DJI f550 motor question - good, bad, indifferent???


I am in the midst of thinking about purchasing a F550 and not sure which way is the best to go. My question is for people out there whom have purchased the kit. Are they happy with the DJI motors, have they had any problems if so what were they?

The other way I am thinking of going about this is to get a f550 frame and outfit it with a set of AVRotor motors. I am understanding the motors may be to big for the Frames motor mount, I am curious if there is any one out there who have gone down this route and how has it worked out?

I am also curious about vibration through out the frame and it going into the camera mount?

Looking for any information

Thanks in advance Jack


Active Member
Hey Jack,

I just picked one up and I'm going with the Avrotos. The DJI motors may be ok from a mechanical standpoint, but the problem I have with them is the proprietary hub design. It's like the XAircraft motors (which I think you had at one time like myself) and takes special DJI props. That hub design is a major flaw in my opinion. Because of the flat spot, props develop stress cracks at the slightest tip of the blade. This can spell disaster when you lose one mid flight.

While the Avrotos don't fit all 4 holes out of the box, it's not far off. The stock motor mount holes on the arms are spaced 19mm & 16mm. The Avroto holes are 19mm & 25mm. Out of the box you can mount the motor with just 2 screws, and if you want all 4 it's very easy to drill out.

If you are curious about it, I'll be building mine out next weekend and can share more info then. I'm just waiting on a couple more parts to show up.

So are you doing away with the x650, or just adding to the fleet? I'm replacing mine with the 550.



Aerial DP
depending on weight would depend what size i'd get. but i'm with killby on the built in hub thing, lack of availability for parts and the $32 price tag. There generaly user unfriendly as a hobby grade part. i've had really good luck with suppo brand motors like at altitude hobby and have seen hundreds of build threads with great video results off of rctimer motors. as far as discount stuff goes. if your thinking $32 a motor aint nothing, step up to the avroto, t-motors or even scorpion/cobra. I really like the 28mm motors on these over the 22mm they come with. The stock stuff is just enough, the 28mm or action packed fun to fly kinda stuff


Ya I am dumping the xaircraft frame, even though aerial photography is no problem, at times I am still getting vibration in the video side, enough for me to dump as an issue. I have had some good results over the past few months but I am building a very heavy frame and still having an issues, no matter how small. I feel its time to move on, and will thank the xaircraft people for the education they have given me, no matter how frustrating it has been.

I am a much better person for it. haha


Whats a good alternative to the DJI motors that is a natural fit to the F550 and is compatible with the the DJI 30 amp ESC?

Hope this is not a stupid question... I am just a New-B...


Active Member
For stability I would use the MT2216 with 8x4 props (4s) I would also try the 330 arms if they are shorter.

Ive just put on the rctiger motors and love em. On 4s with graupner 10's and its almost too much to handle in manual, atti mode is great


Aerial DP
the 2216 arent 16x19 mount holes, there the 25x19. which still lineup two of the 4 mount holes but aren't a "natural fit"

The stock motors are remarkably durable. I carry a Sony 7N with the 18-55mm zoom, HDMI>composite converter, 500mw downlink, and LEDS. 4S, 6min flight time, motors run between 160 and 200 F. Red anodizing on motor cans has faded from the heat but the bearings are perfectly smooth and it flys great.

I know its pushing these motors to the ragged edge but at the same time, its a huge testament to the product quality. The AMP conversion looks to be a potential upgrade path.


Active Member
Your motors get up to 200 f? Only a matter of time before something fails with temps like that. Watch out for that NEX7! ;-)


Any insight or info on a maintenance schedule for the DJI motors. Are any replacement parts available? The reason i ask is one of my motors sound different than the others, makes a slight grinding sound. Maybe the bearings have issues. I just wanted to know if there is something i could be or should be doing to help maintain them.

Thanks for the INFO.

You All Rock!
