DJI F550 Heavy Lift Conversion, Larger Props and Motors >Now Available<


A few questions:
1) Does the mod use the stock F550 ESC's, or are new ESCs supplied. And if the mod uses the stock ESCs, do the new motors plug into the same bullet connectors?
2) Is there any flex in the motor mount extension plates from being placed past the ends of the arms?
3) Do the new mounts use the existing motor mount holes and screws?
4) DJI states the max gross weight of the stock F550 as 2400g. I've flown mine at around 2650g with 8x6 props, but it wasn't happy. What would you say is a comfortable adjusted max gross weight for the F550 with your mod?

Hi Azure,

Welcome to the forum. When using the conversion kit, you use the stock 30amp esc's that come with the f550. They are plenty for the avroto motors. I have been flying with the AXI motors and 11" props on mine. With approx 4000grams my copter flys nice an smooth (see video above). I am sure your stock motors/copter would not be happy as you increased the weight. Carrying the T2I, landing gear and AV130, my copter barely broke a sweat. With that payload we were just pulling over 60amps (total) at Max throttle climb outs. The conversion uses the stock motor mount holes to mount to. There is no flex in my brackets, but the normal flex that is present in the stock arms still remain. You will need 3.5mm male bullet connectors to put on the motor wires. Those will fit into the DJI ESC's. I have the bullet connectors in stock, email me at if you have any more questions, or of you would like to place an order. Thanks, Patrick


Couple more questions: What size props would you recommend for best stability with the mod at heavy weight? 11x5? And what prop bore size do the Avroto motor shafts use?


So I am a proud owner of this setup. Patrick was kind enough to dial it in for me. I opted for the AXI motors and now I am completely sold on those bad boys. I am thinking I should build a 450 with them and AMP conversion-extensions. I am lucky enough to spend alot of time in a high performance Porsche, when flying my AXI 550, I kept thinking to myself - this is the porsche - stock 550 = VW bug. It is going to take me some time to get used to all that power. I did have a bit of a self induced mis-hap with a prop and have to wait to get another prop to fly more. After 4 flights though, I can certainly state that this machine is quite a beast.

Should have some props next week and by then, hopefully the nerve to strap my T2i to the belly. I am more than confident that the machine can deal with the T2i (just watch Patricks video), however it is my skills I worry about. However, that is the whole reason I opted to go this route. Baby steps. Inexpensive way to try my hand at flying the T2i and take a few aerial pics. I am sure I will fall in love and end up with a big high dollar machine but given my experience (this is my 2nd MR - 1st MR stock 550 been flying it for a few months), I found this copter to be a good choice. I will be sure to post my results on this page.

As far as AMP and service from Patrick - top notch. 2nd time for me to get a MR from Patrick and each time it was a great experience.
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Free Bird
hjls3 I agree with you on Patrick's service. He will come through with even DJI don't. I'm planing on his conversion asap but some of those unforeseen expenses caught me by surprise and put mine on hold. Patrick ships orders quick and offers great support after the sale. Most of my MR's came from him, all but the scratch built. He even helped me select my FPV equipment that has pushed MR flight to a new level. The main thing is buy good props, this has been my biggest problem from breaking in flight. After two F550's, three FC's (2 NAZA's and a WK-M) Aerial Media Pros has always come with top service. Your dealing with a WINNER in my book!

Rick in WV


New Member
I have a 550 looking at this conversion.
I have some 750 KV BC/3536's and 30 AMP RC Timer ESC's, Naza M with GPS, want to fly NEX or 2 Gor pro's. WIll this work with extended arms or will I have to beef up other parts of my system?

Patrick is currently putting the conversion and WK M on my F550. I also have to say that he has great customer service and experience in these Copters.


Would please share your DJI NAZA F550 Gain settings for the Heavy Lift conversion. i.e. Basic, Attitude & Elevator gains

Thank you


Looking at the Graupner 11x5 props in the below image, they are setup correctly in their clockwise/ counter-clockwise rotation. Here is my confusion. Looking at the front right blade (red arm), which is #2 arm with a clockwise rotation. The prop has the Letter "L" on it to indicate that it is Counter-clockwise (also stated on the box the prop came in). Why does Graupner label the rotations opposite of how they should turn?

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