DJI F550 DX6i wont' bind


When you try to start the motors are you still plugged into the assistant? they won't start if you are..
Also did you power down the quad after using the assistant then power up and try to start the motors?
Did you come across a screen for motor idle speed? and is it set to recommended?
Also if trims on your Tx were not at zero or centered when you did the Tx cali. you may not be able to start the motors, if this was the case just center the trims and do a recali of the sticks
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Yup. I removed the unit from assistant and removed USB plug and my motor idle speed is set to recommended or center throttle position on the graph. My trims were set at center during calibration and I didn't change them. Also the motor problem existed both before and after calibration.

DJI says the Phantom version (3.0) of the NAZA-M firmware should work on my unit. Suggested I check all sliders for correct function which I did and they seem OK. Also sent me approximately 90 some video links. I sent a note back referencing this thread and included fresh screen shots showing the "other error 26" message and noting my motors worked fine before the 3.0 firmware install. I also tried this with motor setting in both intelligent and immediately and also tried it in both attitude and manual modes. Also tried the failsafe test by powering down the tx and it does NOT go into failsafe mode. Awaiting response from DJI. Thank again for your help.


Bob, Your welcome!
I found a explanation for error 26, it does not say OTHER but here it is... error 26= "please perform advanced calibration" .... So going with that I assume it means the IMU and there is a advanced tab in one of your screen shots..... but before we go there.... from the time you did get it to hover tell now did you happen to drop the hexa or maybe it fell off a table or something that would subject it to a hard and sharp blow?? (believe it or not there is another error 26 code for that!) but that code is worded differently.... I still had to ask..sorry.
So get the hexa set up on a table and try to get the thing level as you can (does not have to be perfect) and click on the advanced tab then follow the steps (it should tell you).
For a normal IMU cali the unit MUST remain still for a few minutes while the assistant does the IMU cali, this should be very similar to that... so if you move around and the floor shakes or the table moves it will throw it off during this process, the IMU is VERY sensitive to movement and vibrations during the cali it will tell you when its done ...remember to click write when done, disconnect usb then power down the hexa... power up the hexa and see what happens...
Some say that after a Tx cali and before you click write that the thro. slider should be moved to the center (green) then click write, I've had the thro. closed and in the center and it did not make any difference in my secret handshake (worked fine both ways)....
The cure for the different error 26 but does not read the same as yours is really wacked and hard to believe!!
Good luck lets see where this goes... T boat
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Excellent video and it is one of the approximately 90 links I received from DJI. Attaching screen captures showing my calibration stand which is an old clock I brought back from Korea and the actual screen after calibration. My mod value varies from 0 to +3 but this is probably as good as you are going to get on the second story of a house built on tundra. I've ran into the same problem trying to do precision shooting from my bench rest in front of my second story window. The View attachment 11065View attachment 11066green check mark looks like it successfully completed tghe calibration and the good news is the motors work again after I remove the unit from the usb connection and rebind to the TX. It appears the only issue I have now is not going into failsafe mode when TX power is removed. Here is the sequence. Power up RX with bind plug and bind to TX. Start assistant on PC. Plug in USB and go to Basic-RC screen in either Attitude or Manual mode (tested both). Power down TX and lower screen should change from either attitude or manual mode to failsafe I think but does not. The solid red bind LED on both receivers goes out whenever TX power goes off and you have to power down and power up the unit by removing/installing battery power in order to bind again. Trying to find any more set up procedures that may impact that sequence. Seeing that light at the end of the tunnel again.
BTW the screen captures you liked are easy with the snipping tool under accessories in Win7. Also you mention clicking write on assistant functions and I don't see write anywhere. For example On the motor idle options screen there are two options- intelligent and immediately. By clicking either radial button you select it but what actually writes it to the controller firmware? Other functions like the calibration we just did has an actual selection box you click but no write option. I asked the same question to DJI.


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Well this good news!!!
The failsafe part is not to hard to do, I have to refresh myself on it but heres the thing... you maybe have to redo it every time you lose the bind.... I think..maybe... but maybe not.
I'm going to read up on it again, then get back to you.... but for sure you will have to change the failsafe in the assistant to "land" as you don't have gps so it doesn't know where home is...
As for the write thing I keep thinking in terms of the original assistant, so I'll look closer at the phantom stuff... all in all GREAT news!!


I found something that may be related to your hexa not holding the bind, try this first to see if it will hold the bind and do the loss of Tx failsafe... according to horizon hobby manual
For the low thro. stay above 10% or shes coming down (motors will shut down), in the picture you could do this by just disconnecting on esc plug (from the naza) and disconnect the motor.
See what happens....
In order to do the other failsafe setup the hexa needs to be able to hold the bind or you'll be chasing your tail each time you power up.
Also included the ar6210 manual link as well so you can read the bind section...
View attachment 11067

Could not get the picture in... look up binding... Hey it worked cool!


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Last question first. Gear and aux1 from the RX go to X2 and X3 on the NAZA. Here is the sequence I tested with. Powered up the Rx's and bound with the TX. Started motors and kept them above cutoff. Shut down RX and when in Attitude mode the motors also shut down. Powered back up TX and it held the bind and I could manually restart motors. When I did the same in Manual mode the motors stayed on but at slighly reduced speed and NAZA rebound when the TX was powered back up. Very slight change in motor RPM after the rebind and I think in both cases the change in motor speed is probably just the difference between a true 10% and whatever I had the throttle stick set at. Since there is no way I can find to start the motors when connected to the assistant application is there any other way to verify if it is truly in Failsafe mode after I power down the TX with the throttle stick above cutoff? Looks like I would keep power to motors in event of TX loss if I was in manual but not in attitude mode.


Hi Bob,
There is but it is only a simulation in the assistant, but if it works in the assistant it should work...
Get the hexa hooked up to the assistant with your Tx on and binded toggle the green switch on your Tx to show you are in attitude mode on the assistant screen that shows the control mode switch (gps,failsafe,attitude,failsafe,m) bring your thro. all the way down to "0" then turn off your Tx and watch the screen.
Slider for control mode should go to failsafe and your thro. should go to above 10% on the screen as well.
It is at that point that the naza takes over and flys, your hexa should just come down and land.
If it works on screen it should work in real life, but thats why we test it outside once it works in the assistant.... and I got to tell you its pretty scary when you have it outside to test it and you reach over and shut the Tx off.... but it works!
Now when you said gear and aux1 go to x2 and x3 on the naza, take a look at the naza manual page 8 diagram
x3 on the naza is for the VU, so this could explain a lot of things with all the trouble you have had....
I think the most common setup is gear to U, aux1 to x1 depending on how the switches are assigned but not x3... so the next question is where is the VU plugged in??
I still see the light at the end of the tunnel and its getting brighter....
Do you know how to look up your switch assignments in your Tx? (hold roller bar down and power on Tx, scroll down to switch select and click on it) what does it say?
Failsafe should work in both modes...
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I followed your instructions but the slider did not move to the Failsafe position like it should of and the throttle stick indicator did not move also. Closer examination of the page 8 diagram and the actual wiring revealed I made a mistake earlier. Here is the actual way it is wired. RX/AUX1 to NAZA/X2. RX/Gear to NAZA/U. LED/VU to NAZA/X3. The LED/VU to NAZA/X3 matches the diagram and RX/Gear to U makes sense because U display reflects the position of the green mode switch. Don't have a clue about the RX/AUX1 to NAZA/X2 connection. The real answer to your last question is no. If I power up the TX holding down the roller I get a setup list I can scroll through. Any thing in particular you want or do you want all of them?


Hi Bob,
Sorry for that... my Tx is so different from yours in how the menu works.... I was trying to find out how your switches are assigned and to what channel so I can figure out the aux1 to naza x2 mystery.
I think that the key to all these issues lies in how your Tx is set up (switch wise), it is very possible that there is a mix or something on the aux1 going out and into the naza that is really throwing a monkey wrench into this whole thing.
So that being said I am going to get ahold of my buddy today who has a Dx6i and borrow it so I can do two things, 1. See what you see and navigate the same way thru the Dx6i's menu's. 2.Set up a clean model of your F550 in the Dx6i for you to try..
One thing I cannot do is bind the Dx6i to my quad because the Tx does not play nice with my Rx (ar8000) so I can't duplicate your setup....kaka!
Which also means no access to the assistant.... double KaKa!!
At any rate it sounds like your Rx IS retaining the bind now after you turned off the that is good.
Here are two links, one is a service bulletin from horizon hobby for your Tx check it out and see if this is the model you have I will also give them a call today to see what they mean by "hold".
The other link is for failsafe setup on specktrum Tx's not the same model Tx as yours but they work the same way, hold off on trying it unless you want to give it a shot...It has worked very well for me and I know there are some differences between our multirotors but give it a read thru...
I'll be back later once I get my hands on the Dx6i......

I agree that a configuration option in the TX is a highly probable cause of the Failsafe issue. Watched the video on the first link regarding DSXM6 which is an add on to the basic DSM package. Don't have the newer model with the logo on the front but not entirely sure the add on is preset but probably not. The second link looks very promising even though its for a DSX7s and a AR8000. One thing I never mentioned before on the Failsafe test is the fact my bind plug remained in place throughout the test and that appears to be a key factor now. The good news is the unit still rebinds after initially binding with the plug and cycling power on the TX. Also trying to find out what the flashing blue light indicates next to the solid blue light in the lower right hand corner of the assistant screens. Will wait until you have a DX6i and we can step through it together. Can't thank you enough for all your help with this. Much appreciated.


Hi Bob,
Your welcome!
Horizon hobby said that if yours is one with the issue "hold" means the Tx will drop the transmission sometimes to the Rx, which will trigger a failsafe and in your hexa's case she should just land..
It looks like the identifying code is in the battery box of the Tx, see if it is...
Buddy is in town and said I can borrow his Dx6i should have it this afternoon sometime....
Blue light special is good to see,its telling you that it is linked up with the assistant and output to motors is off (safety thing I guess).
In the meantime try hooking up to the assistant and bring up the screen that shows ch. x2 slider bar and try each switch on Tx to see if x2 moves try both atti. and man. , if nothing moves on the screen move the plug to x1 and try again, if still nothing put it back where it was and we'll go from there once I get the Dx6i....
Very strange about the bind plug.... while you have the plug moved to x1 shut down your Tx (without the bind plug in place) and turn it back on see if it held the bind you can even try it with x1 disconnected, all the time watch the assistant to see what happens....
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TugboatView attachment 11070Attached photo is not from an Egyptian tomb. Its actually my battery compartment. Happiness is a blue light special. OK U bar definitely moves with green switch. With the RX AUX1 plugged into NAZA X2 no movement on assistant screen by moving any switch. Throttle bar moves from third notch where I had it set to the fourth position when TX is powered down and moves back to original position upon rebind. Applies to both attitude and manual modes. Moved RX AUX1 to NAZA X1. Still no movement on assistant by changing any switch in either attitude or manual mode. However the throttle goes from slightly above cutoff where I had it set to 1/2 or centered position when power is removed from TX. To me this looks like Failsafe mode even though it is not reflected on the assistant screen. Looks like RCVR Aux1 in either NAZA x2 or x3 gives some sort of Failsafe flavor. I expected to see Failsafe reflected in the assistant panel when you power off the TX and also some sort of coded LED flash on NAZA end when power is removed from the TX in stand alone/normal flight mode. Getting closer.


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What you described earlier before it was removed is exactly what was happening if I was in manual mode. I could bind up w/o connecting via USB and run my motors with props removed above 1/2 and power off the receiver and the motors would throttle back to idle or wherever they were set at bind time. Unfortunately after doing the above checks my motors won't run at all with RX aux1 in the NAZA X2 position where it originally was. . I'm in the process of recharging the battery then will do a recalibrate. OK recharged battery and did successful IMU calibration. Motors will not respond to any of four patterns after powering everything down and rebinding to TX. Was OK till I swapped NAZA X2 to X1 and back. Also all the assistant screens show solid Failsafe mode at the bottom. Got to get away from this for awhile.
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It appears one of the obstacles was the fact I was always in failsafe mode on the assistant screens. Thanks to process provided by Tugboat I was able to adjust the placement of the arrows underneath Attitude and Manual boxes so that when centered the rectangle turns blue. This adjustment is done via the TX MainMenu/Travel ADJ then changing the flap setting until the arrow is centered. After the adjustment the attitude or manual rectangle turns blue when you select it via the mode switch. More importantly it turns off the Failsafe indicator at the bottom of all the screens. Even after that success I could not start the motors but found a forum tjread that said you had to have the throttle trim at minimum instead of centered. After I lowered the throttle trim the motors will start in any of the four positions recommended. I sent the last two problems above to DJI in three separate emails and all they did was send me links to about 40 video's and recommend I read the manual. Neither the manual or the video's had a thing regarding the problems I had. I think DJI support should be recognized for that as I will certainly remember it when I make my next purchase. On the other hand I can't say enough good things about the excellent assistance I received here. Thanks to everyone involved.
