John L Hall
Hello everybody I hope that you are all fit and well. My name is John Hall a new member living in sunny Brisbane, Australia.
To say that I am a newbie in the exciting world of drones is an exaggeration.
I have dipped my toes and purchased my first drone which is a Global Drone X183.
I’m afraid that my excitement as the drone came crashing down to earth with my very first attempt.
The damage was, I thought not to serious, as I had only damaged a propeller and it’s lock catch.
Unfortunately although I could easily replace the propeller I could not locate a replacement lock catch.
I have spent more time trying to replace a small plastic part than I have in attempting to fly the drone.
Nobody that sells the X183 is able to provide me with a set or even a single lock catch to enable me to re attach the propeller. Being a complete novice I did not know whether there were other means to lock the propeller in place. So I am left with a nice looking drone that has only three fixed propellers, not good for a Quadcopter.
Can anyone please point me in the right direction as to where I could purchase either a set of lock stitches or another means of keeping the propeller from rising higher than the drone could manage.
Many Thanks
To say that I am a newbie in the exciting world of drones is an exaggeration.
I have dipped my toes and purchased my first drone which is a Global Drone X183.
I’m afraid that my excitement as the drone came crashing down to earth with my very first attempt.
The damage was, I thought not to serious, as I had only damaged a propeller and it’s lock catch.
Unfortunately although I could easily replace the propeller I could not locate a replacement lock catch.
I have spent more time trying to replace a small plastic part than I have in attempting to fly the drone.
Nobody that sells the X183 is able to provide me with a set or even a single lock catch to enable me to re attach the propeller. Being a complete novice I did not know whether there were other means to lock the propeller in place. So I am left with a nice looking drone that has only three fixed propellers, not good for a Quadcopter.
Can anyone please point me in the right direction as to where I could purchase either a set of lock stitches or another means of keeping the propeller from rising higher than the drone could manage.
Many Thanks