Crashed Phantom 2 beeps with no leds lit and will not connect to the pc, Help!


Hi all,

I have a crashed Phantom 2 that does nothing but beep when turned on and there are no leds lit othere than the ones on the battery. It goes beep, beep , beep one after another no matter if the motors are plugged in or not. If anyone has any trouble shooting steps I sure coould use some tips.




I have it opened up as you can see in the video but everything is connected. I hope this video helps figure out the problem with this unit.


Ok, sorry for the delay I have made the video public and not sure why it was private. Hope this helps with the troubleshooting.



Hey Scott from my knowledge you have esc problem or you have bind problem with your transmitter.
I would re-download new software and recalibrate everything and see if the problem disappears.

I read this from

That "RED" light is on the receiver PC board.If I am correct it should not be on. There is a micro button near that red light. It is used to "Bind" the receiver with your transmitter. With your transmitter on "Press" and hold that tiny round black button on the reciever PC board for 2 seconds. It looks like a black dot in a square silver mount. If I am correct once you do this the light should go out and you should have communication between the TX and RX.Then arm your motors as usual and see what happens.

you might want to give that a try also put your post in it is a active forum in these matters


Hey Jason,

I checked out the transmitter board and found no red light or reset button, the light wasnt on so I guess not having the button is no big deal. As for the esc problem, I have disconnected each esc one at a time and turned it on and also disconnected all the esc boards and still get the beeps. Also connecting it to my computer wont work because it never gets far enough for the computer to connect. That beeping stops it all. Do I need to order a new esc and try it out?


Hey Jason,

Thanks for all the help. I have disconnected an esc one at a time and then disconnected them all and still get the beeping. As for updating it, it never starts up enough for it to connect. I have no lights on anywhere except the one on the battery. If I order a new esc board how many should I get? Would one be enough to troubleshoot with?
