So the A2 took down my Carboncore Hex a month or so ago with Z15-5D and Canon 5D MKIII onboard. Major bummer! Miraculously it "appeared" that the gimbal was not damaged, bent or broken in any way apart from a pinched black ribbon cable that I reclaced. I have since replaced the camera and now have the old gimbal on the new S1000. I had to tweak the balance a tiny bit to get it to hang weightlessly as the main horizontal pivot had twisted upwards on impact (not bent but twisted where it is supposed to adjust). Today I plugged it all in and turned S1000 and Z15-5D on. I even had gimbal TX/RX in, communicating and programmed correctly. Unfortunately all the gimbal does is spaz around, ofter going into a crazy spin at full speed. The brushless motors get hot and make weird noises too. I assume this thing has to go back to DJI or is quite possibly completely toast but I just had to ask if anyone has any suggestions. It is frustrating that it appears perfect in every way and doesn't work at all. I realize these are very delicate devices but perhaps someone out there knows a "reset" trick or two. Any help is greatly appreciated.