From looking at your video it sure looks like your gain is too high. You can see the rapid twitching. I would recommend you take it down 10 points in AL and try that. I generally have the gain settings for AL and ML set the same. If the gain is too too low my hell looks and feels "wobbly" if it's too high it looks "twitchy." Not sure what others have experienced, but on average, I have had my helicopter mysteriously drop out of the sky about once every 300 flights. I've had it happen with MK and Hoverfly. I am confident it has never been a low battery that caused these mishaps. On one occasion I think I flew too far away and lost signal and on one occasion a wire likely came loose, but the others are unknown causes in my mind. I'm sure not happy about it, but I have not been able to eliminate it. As a result, I would never fly over people or roads and I am far less interested in carrying expensive cameras than previously. Good Luck!