So when I first starting building my f550, I picked up a 40W soldering station, per the advice of a bunch of folks... it worked fine for assembly of the drone, but now the problem is I've purchased a bunch of new Zippy Lipos that come with bullet connectors that I need to swap out for my own connectors... but they come with 8AWG wire! I was originally trying to hook up Deans connectors to these and it was near impossible to get any sort of connection that I felt confident in, I eventually tried trimming down the end of the wire to allow room for it to fit, but that just feels like I'm asking for trouble down the road. I've since gotten a bunch of XT90s, but even when attempting those I feel like I can't get a really tight and smooth solder connection, after hours of fumbling. Yes I'm using flux. I've heard that I might not be working with enough heat?
A.) Would you guys recommend getting a beefier soldering station? That way I assume there's a little more margin for error because the solder liquifies better to saturate all that wire? How much heat is too much heat?
B.) Do I have to worry about the heat traveling up the wire and messing up my lipo? Though with my current setup I feel like I have to hold the iron on the wire so long it might be worse?
C.) Is switching from Deans to XT90s a good instinct?
D.) Anyone have any tips/tricks for soldering connectors?
A.) Would you guys recommend getting a beefier soldering station? That way I assume there's a little more margin for error because the solder liquifies better to saturate all that wire? How much heat is too much heat?
B.) Do I have to worry about the heat traveling up the wire and messing up my lipo? Though with my current setup I feel like I have to hold the iron on the wire so long it might be worse?
C.) Is switching from Deans to XT90s a good instinct?
D.) Anyone have any tips/tricks for soldering connectors?