Computer Problems with NAZA


New Member
I have a DJI 550 and the Naza controller and everything was working great with my Net book running Win7 until the other day when I hooked it up and now it won't talk to the Naza. I tried a different PC USB cord and nothing. The software continues to blink at me. The LED does change to green when plugged in and if I unplug it it goes back to normal. I tried the latest softeware from DJI and drivers on my Windoze 8 machine and the same thing. It fly's normally but all I wanted to do was up date the firmware.

Any Ideas ?


Extensive background step-by-step information would enable some people to help you out........ otherwise you will not get any responses......
I have a DJI 550 and the Naza controller and everything was working great with my Net book running Win7 until the other day when I hooked it up and now it won't talk to the Naza. I tried a different PC USB cord and nothing. The software continues to blink at me. The LED does change to green when plugged in and if I unplug it it goes back to normal. I tried the latest softeware from DJI and drivers on my Windoze 8 machine and the same thing. It fly's normally but all I wanted to do was up date the firmware.

Any Ideas ?

Benjamin Kenobi

Easy? You call that easy?
Many people have problems with the USB. Try a different port. Only one out of 8 seems to work on my PC. Try reinstalling the driver with Naza connected and switched on. The green light will always come on when the lead is plugged into the Naza, even if the USB side isn't!

Good luck?
