MultiWii / NAZE / SP Racing F3 Communication problems with Multiwii Paris v4 board


I bought a Multiwii Stealth Armour for my son, but we can't get it to communicate with the computer. We've installed the GUI and FDTI driver, but nothing shows up on the GUI software. We've tried for mac, windows 7 and xp with no luck. Personally I've got a DJI m, and has no problem with it's GUI but it's a direct USB connection. Any ideas? He's dying to get it in the air lol!


Still no luck. We tried hooking it up to a friend's computer with the same results. He also has a Paris board and it communicates fine. Bad board or do we need to re flash it?


Solved. I was just the ubec wasn't wired properly. That was easy... Took my 11 year old to figure it out though lol. It's sad when you realized your kids are now smarter than you!
