i see you've got greens in your pic, we're till a month or so away from having the added effect of green in our settings. are you using a lens of any kind? is this pic only a quick picassa edit and nothing else?
i'm trying to hunt down a 10-22 lens and will also be trying a circular polarizing lens. anyone have any input on that plan of attack?
@dave, i'll try to track down the little rocket blaster at the local camera shop. i've been looking for a reason to pop my head in there and see what they have on the shelves.
It's not called the 'Emerald Isle' for nothing.......... we have forty shades of green too !
In that shot I used the LX3 hard mounted to the Quad with ' Shutter Prioity' on 'Burst' mode and tripped the shutter with the 'Rubber band and shirt button' trick which is a throwback to the KAP days.
No filters, just a quick 'Straighten' and 'Contrast' push, oh!......-2/3 EV on Camera setting too.
We had an uncharacteristic cold snap at Christmas which made for interesting photo opportunities for our 'Emerald Isle'. Here is a castle close to my home......