Commercial Flying Regulations


Does anybody out there know the legal requirements to fly commercially in Austria? Specifically Salzburg?

Would it be a good idea to make a list of each country's laws, or post a link to them?



I think that most places its illegal for commercial uav flying. In the states people refer to it as a grey area of the law. But I have talked to people who do large scale UAV GIS mapping, who also serve on FAA boards, and to paraphrase they said, "its not grey, its illegal for commercial purposes, the faa just does not have a police force." So from what I can tell its illegal in the US but people do it anyway without issue, yet.


Forbiden. No flying alowed.

I'll have to turn that job down then! :nevreness:

Thanks for your replies. I think it would be useful to compile a list of countries that allow it and what you need to do it legally, and those which don't allow it at all.
