Clockwise motors not spinning on ZMR250?


Hey Guys,
Finally got my new quad up and flying... I know the most fun is in the pit with these things and I got some QUALITY time in for my first run... only one minor mishap. Fairly slow but straight on (IDK what slow is yet I guess) into the side of an aluminum sided building... no obvious damage on screw seems a bit loose no crack in frame that I can see... didn't even break a prop... I was impressed. but alas, the left front and right rear motors are "twitching". I can't see cut wires... any suggestions for a newbie?


Drone Enthusiast
If they're twitching, it usually means they are not getting proper signal from the FC. Check ALL connections after a crash, but especially your servo wires and the ESC to motor connections.


had issue like that as well with a mini running NAZE turned out to be due to a good smack and not taking my time soldering pics to the board - in addition to all the connections - take a good look at pins/solder points -


Drone Enthusiast

It's good practice to check everything after a crash. The fact that you're having issues - proves that at least one thing has been effected - rule out what that is, and check the whole craft for any other potential issues before they cause another crash.


I bought new ESC's and resoldered them... Still the same problem... ugh. Could it be motors?


Drone Enthusiast
What is the flight controller you're using? It seems a little odd that the 2 doing the twitching are the ones that normally would be grouped together (Clock wise or counter clockwise depending on the FC).

You checked all the servo wire connections at the flight controller?
