Choosing the right Video Camera for Multicopters

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What might be the best choices for a light weight, compact, High Definition Video Camcorder or still camera with video options for installation on a DJI-550 c/w Naza or WooKong M?
1080p @ 60 fps seems to be necessary as well as image stabilization. I am trying to decide between a Hero GoPro3 Black edition and a HD HandyCam c/w image stabilization.

I am using the Naza Gimbal features to help keep camera level on two planes.

I have a very similar setup to yours. I personally use a GoPro Hero 2 (on an aeroxcraft) which does a fabulous job at both video and still photography. Do be warned though, in poor light, the photos regularly appear blurred and dull. I use the gopro as my eyes for FPV and it is great, as long as you adjust to the image from a fish eye lens
If you wanted to keep prices down, there are some good deals on the Hero 2, just because its been superseded by the Hero 3. I have seen some imagery of the Hero 3 and it does look superb, but is it worth the extra price tag??
I can't answer for the Handycam, though the spec again looks great.

I guess the correct term would be Camcorder as HandyCam is specific to Sony apparently. From the perspective of minimum weight the GoPro winds hands down. From the perspective of image stabilization, the CamCorder or digital camera is the way to go. Very difficult to get the published weights on the Camcorders. Also the 1920 x 1080 higher resolutions are typically interlaced versus "p" resolutions. Always so many tradeoffs.

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