I just picked up a supposedly rtf. It's got Naza lite. First flight went off well. Practiced up and down then... Trying to fly it straight at a different hight the unit flipped back and forth then dropped to the ground breaking a motor arm and landing gear. What software and how do I go about fine tuning the Esc's and flight calibration
Any insight would be greatly appreciated.
This could be the question I was going to ask as I recently built a hex using the FY690 frame, Naza M lite flashed to V.2 along with motors etc that were bought prior to getting the frame.
Did you manage to resolve the issue, also before it flipped did you notice what the led was doing, what it was flashing.
My hex was hovering ok and then started flying left and got very erratic, the led was flashing 3 reds just before it flipped onto its side and dumped into the field, like yours it broke a motor mount and landing bar, also pulled the wires out of the same motor.
My Naza is using the gains and settings that are default from Dji so obviously nowhere near what the ideal would be.