I'm not totally up on the CAA rules and regulations, but have been following closely the actions and proposed regulations being taken here by the FAA.
While possibly frustrating to those of us who consider ourselves responsible and safe pilots, I think it's important to recognize that regulations and rules are ultimately in place for those who are NOT respectful, sensible and responsible.
WW: you bring up guns and cars, In the USA at least, lack of regulations for these products/activities would leave us a far more dangerous culture. It's not the responsible gun owner who safely hunts or goes to the gun range that the regulations target (pun intended!). It's the numb-nut who isn't aware of the lethality of his "toy," who lacks the common sense to understand that target shooting on his 1/4 acre backyard in a heavily populated area is probably not a good idea.
For MRs, again, it's not the guy who joins the local flying club to ensure that he can fly safely - avoiding the possibility of adversely effecting the public. It's the putz who flew off a balcony in midtown manhattan - only to quickly start bouncing off buildings, ultimately dropping the craft to the sidewalk at rush hour (the chance of it not hitting someone is Vegas-odds astronomical).
If regulations over-reach is the concern, it's our responsibility to challenge that in a productive manner. No one wants government over-stepping their bounds. But to suggest the Wild West was the best era of gun policy, is to ignore the changes and challenges that have presented themselves in our modern culture.
Just my .02¢
The lack of common sense among humans can be staggering, and without some guidelines, things could get very sketchy very quickly.