Hoverfly C300 Fun in Low light, 5.5-6.5lb camera

Hello All,

We got ahold of a C300 and shot some video of the testing, hope you enjoy.


Camera - C300 5.5-6.5lbs
Camera Mount - PhotoHigher AV200 w/Red Epic Mount w/Skyline gyro
Airframe - SkyJib 6 V1
Flight Control Board - HoverFly Pro
Motors - Axi 4120/20
Props - Xoar 15x5
Battery - 6s 2x5200man
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looks real nice, liked it in the other two post as well. :) how long you keep it in the air with that setup?

Hey thanks,

I hope you dont mind seeing the video in a couple places. Its just that there are not to many videos out there showing video of a5+lb camera being lifted and since the HFP work incredibly well, I wanted to share the video. I would fly the hexa about 5-6min on 2x 6s 5200mah batts and putting back about 75%


oh no worries, in fact i have probably watched it a dozen times. I enjoy your work. have not had anything but DJI FC's but I am growing very fond of the Hoverfly stuff. Great results.


Impressive machine, and that's one expensive camera.
Whats your philosophy behind a hexacopter versus going with an octocopter? I know an octocopter can cope with 7 motors in case one arm loses thrust, just curious.

Hi Sim,

Thank you, but all the props go to Hoverfly, Droidworx, Axi and PhotoHigher. Combined they create an amazing platform. We also have a cinestar8 with cinestar gimbal but there is no way it could handle the weight. From my experience, the 5d is all the cinestar can take in real world flying and production.

I guess there a couple ways to look at the difference between hex and octo.

One of the major reasons people fly a octocopter is because of the extra motors and redundancy possibilities. But then again if you factor in the percentages of a single motor or esc failing. what gives you better odds, a hexa or a octo?

On our heavy lift hexa even with the C300 the motors and esc's were cool to the touch after a 6min flight and the batteries were only slightly warm. Soooo if were not over taxing our system and use reliable parts that are proven to not break or fail under standard circumstances, we should be good right?

Im not saying our logic is sound and we are planing on getting the new Skyjib 8 v2 w4120/20 and will probably fly that unless were talking about speed flights. Also if we somewhat eliminated the motor and esc failures (like a battery failure), would people still be flying Octocotpers?
