Brushless Motors v. Voice Coil Actuators


Active Member
Actually it is no contest because even with the upcoming new generation of motors they will not cut the mustard against the motion control de rigueur solution for mil spec. gimbal control.
The VCA comes in many different forms and you will find them inside of camera lenses and even Hard Drives. I took a couple of rotary magnets from a hard drive and using two output pins from a normal brushless gimbal controller I was able to make the prototype for a revolutionary inner axis system for a Phantom Vision. The Roll axis is not shown because that is the clever bit that will float the tilt axis (95Deg.) and the camera assy. on a magnetic field. The controller is set to Follow Mode so it returns to the models heading:tennis
The cat was not impressed but it kept him off the bench
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Active Member
Speed is very much faster. Accuracy is considerably better. Power is also much better as it can run at full battery output and not even get warm.
I have reloaded the video at as I was getting DDoS errors.
What this quick video is showing is that a standard SBGC can by using two adjacent output pins to create a single phase supply, control a Voice Coil Actuator. The set-up is done in the latest GUI from Aleksey and I have to warn you that it is not exactly plug and play but once you understand that the VCA has a limited span of output you can effectively set that using the pole count control. In this instance I have it set to 8 but if you go beyond the FSR then it will chatter back and forth like a machine gun.
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