I've just unplugged the two cables from my GoPro to my transmitter and then plugged them back in the same pins but I can't get a signal, I've tried putting them in the other pins but it still won't work.
I'm using a boscam 351 transmitter and a fieldview 777RX 32 receiver & monitor
I did manage to get a static screen but all I'm getting now is a black screen with No Signal.
I've just unplugged the two cables from my GoPro to my transmitter and then plugged them back in the same pins but I can't get a signal, I've tried putting them in the other pins but it still won't work.
I'm using a boscam 351 transmitter and a fieldview 777RX 32 receiver & monitor
I did manage to get a static screen but all I'm getting now is a black screen with No Signal.