BlueSky RC FPV Quad Kit Motor recommendations please.


HI Guys

I have just recieved one of these FPV Quad kits from BlueSky RC and I need some recommendations for Motors
View attachment 788

What a great Price!

I will start out with the Gaui 8 inch props but i would like to be able to spin 10 inch props if the desire to do so takes me.

I always struggle with motor prop combinations so would like some recommendations please.

I plan to fly with either 2200 or 4400 3s packs
I have 25amp esc's

I was thinking about these RC timer 2830 1000kv motors
Would they be suitable for both 8 and 10 inch props? I am happy to stick with 8 inch if it makes the decision easier was just thinking of some extra flexibilty.

Or should I go for lower KV 850-750??

Thanks in advance



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Due to the overwhelming response :rolleyes:

I decided to go with the RC timer 2830 1000kv motors

The frame goes to gether realy fast and easy.
It took me longer to cut the 10mm square tube carbon im using for the arms

For a kit with this much Quality for this price makes me wonder why I bother to build them myself!

Will post a build log in a few days once all the parts have arrived




FPV pilot
Hey Ben
Looks like a kool project. I think that those motors will work great on your frame. I tried the 850kv RCTimer motors and didn't like the lack of response. The 1000kv motors should give you some good performance.
Are you going to FPV that puppy?
Keep us updated.
