BBC today


Well the cats out of the bag... BBC had a octo on tv today talking about privacy... What do you all think?


Andrewrob... It was also on News Night and had the same 'expert' discussing things.

There is a simple solution to 'privacy' worries, If the CAA asked for a privacy statement to be included in your ops manual then it would be a condition of retaining your permission to operate. Overstep the mark and you can't fly any more. Just who polices it is a potential stumbling block.
Its all really fall out from the Leveson Inquiry and how the press use new technology. Its similar to phone hacking and the such, give someone the oportunity and they will take it. I've not seen any reported cases of privacy invasion in the UK so it seems like a premptive strike by the BBC on what the tabloids MAY get up to. The BBC has got to be seen as absolutely pure at the moment.

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Typical of the way the BBC seem to sensationalise nothing topics at the moment…

"wow look at this it's really great, but we should all be sh!t scared of it too"

and that bloke who was calling for 'parliamentary reviews'… ffs…:upset:


Just got round to watching this with sound!
Irritating scaremongering as usual. The company doing the filming didn't really help matters either by saying if it goes belly up its very dangerous (a lot of things are when they go wrong) and as for Noel Sharky, the less said the better.
Also to film through my neighbors windows without them noticing they'd have to be deaf and blind. It would be a lot easier for me to setup a tripod and a telephoto.


Heli's & Tele's bloke
Yep, ffs! I wonder how the hell a ponce like Noel Sharky ever gets selected to be interviewed for such an item anyway. Arrogant tit.


Active Member
Considering the UK population is the most heavily watched int he world I think the BBC have a neck to not mention that fact as well.
The beeb tow the governments line, so if they are commenting on it, you can bet it's only a matter of time before they make some rules about it. This will end up being license for this & license for that...
Radio Amateurs License
CRB check
Privacy license.
Where does all this end? and if they go the other route...they will ban our aerial video work etc & thus making our craft worthless!!!!!



At times like this i am happy that i like in Scandinavia , the comments and views in that BBC program are ultra conservative and ignorrant. Whats next, forbid the sale of binoculars or telescopes?


likes gadgets
propeller tax will be next

the more props you have the more you pay

also size the bigger they are the more you pay

you know they just love inventing taxes

after that will come a fun tax ie no fun without paying a tax



Active Member
propeller tax will be next

the more props you have the more you pay

also size the bigger they are the more you pay

you know they just love inventing taxes

after that will come a fun tax ie no fun without paying a tax


Sad thing is Keith, I fear you could be going along the right lines :(
