battery help connecting 2 batteries together


Hi every one I have a question I got 2 of 3s 5200 Mah battery Each one with 20c
and 20C discharge is not enough to left Naza so is there any connection that I can make I mean connecting both battery to make it 40 c discharge I tried parallel connection it did not help and naza light keep blinking red is there any other way .thanks


Have you done the battery voltage calibration in the Nazi assistant software yet? Most of the time the voltage is not set right and you get a low voltage warning (red) flashing light.

John, why do you think that the issue has to do with your discharge rate? If your batteries are not hot after flying, then discharge rate is not your issue. The blinking red LED has more to do with your voltage protection as Olemil indicated. You will want to run calibration on the Naza voltage sensor so that it's getting an accurate voltage read, and set the voltage protection levels to the voltages you feel are best for your setup. That, in turn, is largely dictated by how much mAh you are putting back into the battery after you have landed. In other words, if it is blinking red and you land, and then are only putting in 2500mAh back into the battery, then your voltage level threshold is too high and you can drop it a little more. A good range to be in when landing is 3.3V to 3.5V per cell (i.e. 9.9 to 10.5V on a 3S battery).


yes i got that and set mine to 3.4 but it does that at the beginning it does not do it with the 3s with 5000 Mah and with 30c only it does that with 20c 11.1 5200Mah I got 2 of them and
