I was in the process of building a new camera when the belt on my lathe packed it in, can't complain it's lasted a couple of years. So I was forced to make a much simpler gimbal system with less parts and if it works I may just keep it. I was having a fuzzy view on my FPV googles so the gimbal I made looked like it could add some minute vibration due to having the whole system hanging off one small servo. I painstakingly balanced some new props for my Hex to omit that source of vibration and they will be installed once I make sure this this responds properly to the controls. Now onto the gimbal, I've used two sided sticky tape on the pitch big servo to Hex side and foam tape above for the safety zap straps. The big servo has the large round disc to which the small pan servos "L" shaped bracket is attached by two sided sticky tape. The camera is mounted on top of small servo body and all loose wires zap strapped into place, this will be interesting to see if it works while wait for my belt in the mail.