av200 vibration

hi all,

i have major video problems with my av200... when i use a dslr, it seems to be 'stepped vibration' when i use the canon g7 auto, it has vibration..... i have attached a video below, could you let me know your thoughts and solutions..... i am willing to try anything.
i have tightened everything as i found that some of the rollers and gears needed to be adjusted to tighten the whole thing up.. but i still get the vibration...


thank you all.

Why do you think is a AV200 problem, did you had another camera mount before that worked well?

i dont think the av200 has a problem, its just the vibrations that are through it when i have a camera on board..
what is the best way to check where the vibrations are from?? what should i check for first if not the av200?

did you look at the video?? if so, what do you think the issues are??


I have seen the video. Seem like a tilt problem. I think Center of Gravity is to far in front making the camera plate to bent and oscillate. Try to move camera 1-2 cm backwards. Do you have a picture of your built?


pendejo grande
Maybe check your props for balance, vibrations seemed more consistent when you were adding throttle. Do you have any kind of vibration dampers between the av200 and your copter?
Interesting house there.


Drone Enthusiast
Thats nowt to do with the AV200. That looks like props / motor alignment to me. Post details of your whole MR. Have you balanced the props? If so describe your procedure to balance them. What Config is your MR?


+1 on the props. i was absolutely blown away with the difference nicely balanced props make. I chased myself in circles (getting rid of jello) before i sat down one day and double checked the props. Props were the difference.


Unbalanced props make mainly horizontal vibration, resulting in jello effect on the footage, but the footage shows some vertical oscillation and no jello at all. I say its the CG of camera to far on the front front making the camera plate to bent and oscillate. A picture of the built will help.
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pendejo grande
Yeah but don't all vibrations start at either the props or the motors? The footage just reminds me of some stuff I shot that looked ok until I gave throttle and I'd get a high pitched vibe. I thought I balance the props but I redid them and lo and behold I wasn't getting the vibe anymore, of course this was on a hard mounted gopro not an AV200.
Agreed without a pic of his build, who knows what's going on.


Drone Enthusiast
I say its the CG of camera to far on the front front making the camera plate to bent and oscillate.

If the AV200 has the re-enforced carbon mount support I doubt that is the case.

Lest see some pics and more details of the set up



Drone Enthusiast
Aye Up Tom.. sort of ;-)

It is surprising what goes on in a couple of weeks with very limited internet access!



I'm with KopterX, seems to me that the Cam is not well balanced on the Plate and the Servo is working hard to keep it up.
Wich FC do you use on the Gimbal?
As to Vibrations, i am having great results with the Anti Vibration Plate from Kopterworx


my MR set up is:
Skyjib 6,
Axi 4120 motors,
15 x 4 beech props,
Dji wookong fc,
80a esc,
Av 200,
360 pan (fixed solid at moment, waiting for PH stabiliser)

The props are new and have not been balanced by me since purchase,
How do I balance props?
Also, how can I make sure the motors are all straight and vertical?

Regards all david
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Drone Enthusiast
IMO some % angle does not affect the MR

Everything should be spot on.. go ask Zaxis about motors out of alignment..

David.. post some pictures of your set up..

To ensure props are all in line sit the copter on a flat surfce and measure down from the tip of each prop. Even though there is an alighment hole in the arms you can still get them different by tightening the motor mounting clamp bolts differently.. Get everything bob on and get your self a good prop balancer.

When you say your gimbal is fixed at the moment does that mean it is not plugged in or have you reduced the compensation to stop it moving?



Motor alignment is vitally important in Y6 /X8 configurations (bad experiences there!) but I'd say less so in flat configurations. If motors are not all vertical you get an unwanted yaw component but thats not the problem here.
It looks like vibration from unbalanced props that is causing the gimbal cradle to rock up and down. Perhaps the gimbal or its mountings has something not fully tightened up. I would get some gaffer tape, disconnect all the gimbal servos and tape the moving parts rigid so they cannot move. Include locking out the 360 mechanism as well. Then fly and video. If the vibrations have gone away then its something taped up, if they remain its elsewhere.
Have you tried a different camera ? Could be something vibration prone inside that.


hi all,

thank you for all your input... i am working my way through the list of causes... just confirm, my 360 is disconected and cable tied rigid.
i have attached 3 x photos of the build up, i have not got the dslr on there at moment becaused i plan to take off the tilt belt to balance the camera on it perfect....
i have just balanced all my props, 2 x blades lightly out and 2 x hubs medium out, they have been done now, but its too wind to test it at moment.... as soon as i have, i will post another video...
keeping my fingers crossed, watch this space........



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