1001copters.com AV200 Roll enhancement

Good morning,

We have made several research in order to enhance the behavior of the roll on AV200 Photohigher Gimbals.

As you will see in the following video, a standard AV200 powered with 5V have some delay to compensate. We have changed the demultiplication of the roll by adding a 72 tooth wheel on servo, changed the potentiometer by a 3 turns instead of a 10 turns and powered the servos with 7.2V (Ubec)
As already said, these SVOX servos need to have a good power source, The Flying card can only provide 1A while these servos can request several amps. Using Ubec is strongly recommended.

I have made some kits with all the necessary stuff for full enhancement (as shown on the video).
it's availabl here

You can also purchase separate stuff (servo wheel, potentiometer, Ubec...)

I have also make a video to show how to avoid unwanted balancing of the gimbal at starup. When you prower up your mk, it seems that some signal is going on the servo's output resulting in unwanted balancing of the gimbal. This can be avoided by powering up the gimbal after the Fc. (few seconds)

here's is the video:
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That is some really interesting analysis you've done. Does the improvement stay there once a camera is in the gimbal ? If it does, it would good to see if the same changes hold true for an AV130 as well.

You can have a look to Fredasss's videos:

He's the guy that have worked a lot on these enhancements :)

The AV130 has a different demultipliation, the delay effect is not so much present. If you use .2V Ubec on the AV130, you will see better reactivity.
For now I havn't tested the 3 turns pot. on the AV130. I will make a test in the future.


Active Member
Thats a nice mod. but the now small initial delay is still there, I believe it is caused by the ADX 300 gyro that they use. Even with a high speed servo and no load on the output arm you can still see it.

Expect to see a direct drive system in the future that is lightning fast with built in gyros that are 50 times more sensitive.
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Thats a nice mod. but the now small initial delay is still there, I believe it is caused by the ADX 300 gyro that they use. Even with a high speed servo and no load on the output arm you can still see it.

Fredasss is using a 5 turns potentiometer instead of a 3 turns: this change the behavior of the gimbal.

Good morning,

I'm working on AV200 roll enhancement :


During these research, on of my customer pointed out that the refresh rate of the servos at 50Hz should be insufficient to make a good compensation.

I have then plugged an oscilloscope on the rol output servo on the mikrokopter Fc 2.1.

You know you can change the refresh rate on the "camera" part in Mktools, but you have values from 2 to 8 and no information about the real refresh rate.

here are the values:

servo refresh 8 = 44.4Hz
servo refresh 7 = 50Hz
servo refresh 6 = 58.8Hz
servo refresh 5 = 72Hz
servo refresh 4 = 88.8Hz
servo refresh 3 = 114.28Hz
servo refresh 2 = 181.8Hz

The savox servo 1290 and 1258 (those on the AV130/AV200 Photohigher gimbal ) can handle 333 Hz and 250 Hz. so there is no problem with these.
But if you are using other kind of servo (like analogic servo) you can ruin it if you use servo refresh 2 for example.

I have found this very interesting study .
It indicate that after 100h of services, your servo will have more and more backlash (the author recommend changing it after 50h)

Perhaps some of you have noticed that their servos get warm even is idle mode => check out if your refresh rate isn't too big for your servo ;)

I would like to do the switch from a 10 turn to a 3 turn potentiometer on my AV200. Can someone offer a source for a 3 turn Pot in the US? Part number etc... @1001 I know you sell them in France, but would rather not deal with overseas shipping.

Hi Cedric ("the prince" :)

I was able to return my Skyline finally so I must now use my new AV200 directly with the F1 & F2 ports on my Wookong for gimbal stabilization. The newest firmware for WKM offers a new setting for "frequency output" to the gimbal servos. The choices from the Assistant software are: 50 hz, 100 hz, 200 hz, & 400 hz. I have the new AV200 with gold colored Savox servos for pitch and roll. Would you happen to know what would be a safe setting to use with these servos (50,100,200,or 400?) Thanks again for all of your help earlier but the Skyline was just not going to work out for me.

Good morning,

I'm working on AV200 roll enhancement :


During these research, on of my customer pointed out that the refresh rate of the servos at 50Hz should be insufficient to make a good compensation.

I have then plugged an oscilloscope on the rol output servo on the mikrokopter Fc 2.1.

You know you can change the refresh rate on the "camera" part in Mktools, but you have values from 2 to 8 and no information about the real refresh rate.

here are the values:

servo refresh 8 = 44.4Hz
servo refresh 7 = 50Hz
servo refresh 6 = 58.8Hz
servo refresh 5 = 72Hz
servo refresh 4 = 88.8Hz
servo refresh 3 = 114.28Hz
servo refresh 2 = 181.8Hz

The savox servo 1290 and 1258 (those on the AV130/AV200 Photohigher gimbal ) can handle 333 Hz and 250 Hz. so there is no problem with these.
But if you are using other kind of servo (like analogic servo) you can ruin it if you use servo refresh 2 for example.

I have found this very interesting study .
It indicate that after 100h of services, your servo will have more and more backlash (the author recommend changing it after 50h)

Perhaps some of you have noticed that their servos get warm even is idle mode => check out if your refresh rate isn't too big for your servo ;)

Hi rancher,

The savox servo 1290 and 1258 can work at 333hz and 250hz, so I suggest you to set it up to 200Hz. (if your servos are those two, but normaly on stock AV200 it's these one)

Best regards,

Thanks Cedric. I am going to use it this way (at 200hz) for a little while until my new HoverflyGIMBAL controller arrives and then I will switch over to that system.

Hi rancher,

The savox servo 1290 and 1258 can work at 333hz and 250hz, so I suggest you to set it up to 200Hz. (if your servos are those two, but normaly on stock AV200 it's these one)

Best regards,
