Assistant Software

I've finished my build and I've now started on the Assistant Software for the programming. I'm not sure if it's my laptop or the software itself, but the window is far too small and I can't see all the parameters. I've tried reducing my screen resolution but there's still areas I can't see and I can't find a way to enlarge the window. Any suggestions??



Try right clicking on the Assistant shortcut icon and select Properties from the pop-up menu. What you see next will depend on your windows version but there should be some compatibility settings that might allow you to change the way the program displays.


I've finished my build and I've now started on the Assistant Software for the programming. I'm not sure if it's my laptop or the software itself, but the window is far too small and I can't see all the parameters. I've tried reducing my screen resolution but there's still areas I can't see and I can't find a way to enlarge the window. Any suggestions??


Hi Bill: I tried to PM you but I don't think it went through for some reason so I am posting this. I was doing a search to try and find an answer to a problem that I am having with DJI's assistant software. I seem to be having the same problem that you are (or were). I tried the suggestion below but it did not seem to help.

Did you ever find an answer to this? Its driving me nuts and I seem to have tried everything thus far. If you were ever able to figure it out please let me know. Many thanks for whatever you can share.



Hi Bill: I tried to PM you but I don't think it went through for some reason so I am posting this. I was doing a search to try and find an answer to a problem that I am having with DJI's assistant software. I seem to be having the same problem that you are (or were). I tried the suggestion below but it did not seem to help.

Did you ever find an answer to this? Its driving me nuts and I seem to have tried everything thus far. If you were ever able to figure it out please let me know. Many thanks for whatever you can share.

Another thing that can cause this on some programs is running software on some of the smaller notepad computers that have odd display resolutions. Sometimes they simply don't have the resolution to allow all of the program window to display. If this is the case you may find you cant drag the window high enoiugh to see the bottom of the program window.


Thanks RCNUT: I was able to resolve this and PM'ed Bill to say so. I should have posted this. I went into the personal settings in Windows 7 and found that my screen was set at 125%, for some reason not of my doing, which was causing the problem. I set it to 100% and problem solved. Thanks so much for your help. All is well now and I am loving the new WKM assistant and firmware. The RTH with user set altitude works perfectly and now onto the 'point of interest' feature to test that out. It seems to fly smoother than before the update for some reason.


Bill, I will do some video pretty soon and will let you know as things progress. By the way; I am planning on upgrading my quad to the Xaircraft hexa frame and would love to hear your thoughts on this frame. Do you know if its worth the extra money for the CF frame? Or is the glass fiber frame alright at slightly higher weight and $70 less? Heading out to work right now but will look forward to hearing what you have to say about XA hexa upon my return later today.

If the slight extra weight doesn't bother you, then the GF frame is fine....probably more durable as well. I started my days in multis with Xaircraft till the frustration got to me, but I must say, they make good frames. Quite rigid, not nearly as much flex as the F550 frame.

For me personally, I haven't found a better hexa frame for the price and features. The tube rails make it easy to balance camera mount and battery. I just received a second frame today along with their CM-130C-TP and for larger cameras. Hope to get it built by tonight if the wife eases up on the "to do" list she keeps hitting me up with :)

Bottom line....I really like this frame.


If the slight extra weight doesn't bother you, then the GF frame is fine....probably more durable as well. I started my days in multis with Xaircraft till the frustration got to me, but I must say, they make good frames. Quite rigid, not nearly as much flex as the F550 frame.

For me personally, I haven't found a better hexa frame for the price and features. The tube rails make it easy to balance camera mount and battery. I just received a second frame today along with their CM-130C-TP and for larger cameras. Hope to get it built by tonight if the wife eases up on the "to do" list she keeps hitting me up with :)

Bottom line....I really like this frame.


I had a feeling you might say this about the Glass Fiber frame being a bit more durable than CF, and with less flex. I think I will go ahead and order one. It seems that they do not come standard with a power distribution board integrated into their design like DJI does but I have a couple boards that are small enough to use of good quality. Do you have a link to a site where I can see most all of the Xaircraft parts available, and does anyone in the states sell this stuff, or is it all direct-order out of China? I have just scratched the surface of this idea to go with Xaircraft so any info you can share would be greatly appreciated. If you want to send me some pictures of your rig I'd like to see them. Just PM me. I like that gimbal too and I think I may order one of those very soon. Let me know how it works for you. It appears that it comes complete with the servos and all ready to go, other than assembly.


If the slight extra weight doesn't bother you, then the GF frame is fine....probably more durable as well. I started my days in multis with Xaircraft till the frustration got to me, but I must say, they make good frames. Quite rigid, not nearly as much flex as the F550 frame.

For me personally, I haven't found a better hexa frame for the price and features. The tube rails make it easy to balance camera mount and battery. I just received a second frame today along with their CM-130C-TP and for larger cameras. Hope to get it built by tonight if the wife eases up on the "to do" list she keeps hitting me up with :)

Bottom line....I really like this frame.

Bill: In the links that you sent to me above I see this rail mount which is the same as the ones that I see with the camera gimbal and also seems to be the same as is used with the battery mount beneath the hub of the aircraft (two for each application). I can't figure out if these mounting parts (like in your link) come with the gimbal and also if they come with the basic Hexa kit for the battery mount. If so, would I need to order more of these and that is why you provided the link or were you just pointing them out in this link? I want to be sure to get as much of the right stuff on the first order. You know how that goes :)

I was only referring to adding a second or third battery tray if you need more space. It doesn't come with a camera mount but does come with the rails, rubber grommets, and battery tray.

If you end up getting the CM-130 camera gimbal, it comes with the clip on arms to attach to the rails.
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I was only referring to adding a second or third battery tray if you need more space. It doesn't come with a camera mount but does come with the rails, rubber grommets, and battery tray.

If you end up getting the CM-130 camera gimbal, it comes with the clip on arms to attach to the rails.

Okay, now I get it. Good tip. By the way: did the camera gimbal come already assembled for the most part and with its servos? I have my shopping cart all but together with my X/A stuff (thanks to your help) but I am going to hold off on the order until you tell me how you feel about the over all quality and functionality of the gimbal :)

Thanks alot Clint...put me under pressure to get everything set up pronto! :shame: The gimbal comes with all servos but needs assembly. Luckily everything screws together fairly easy and clips on nice to the rails. :) Not sure if you can wait that long (I couldn't) but I won't have everything together till tomorrow night.


Thanks alot Clint...put me under pressure to get everything set up pronto! :shame: The gimbal comes with all servos but needs assembly. Luckily everything screws together fairly easy and clips on nice to the rails. :) Not sure if you can wait that long (I couldn't) but I won't have everything together till tomorrow night.

You're killing me, here! Remember; anything your wife has you doing can simply wait. This is far more important :) Keep me posted and I'll sit tight in the mean time. Thanks again.

She'd just love you for saying that.... Did you add the expansion plate for the gimbal in your "tentative" order? That mount only fits the gopro without the plate.


She'd just love you for saying that.... Did you add the expansion plate for the gimbal in your "tentative" order? That mount only fits the gopro without the plate.

I did not order the expansion plate because I will most like use only the GoPro, as anything bigger can be shot from the S800 so I will keep this one somewhat simple. I love what I get from my modifiedGoPro2 with its 4MM Ragecam lens! I highly recommend this. I am eager to hear about how you like the gimbal from a stability standpoint once you have tested and shot some video. I strive for vibration-free video and have come up with some pretty cool isolators to eliminate shutter roll and vibration so let me know how it goes. If you have a problem with it in terms of unwanted vibration I may be able to offer something up. I'll be starring at my watch AND holding my breath so....


Hi friends i am here i just want to say you that software development is very best way to make the software and be a software developer in the world actually this is not a easy to be a software developer and make the software so i think you should need a lot of hard working for become a software developer ..........

Sometimes they simply don't have the resolution to allow all of the program window to display. If this is the case you may find you cant drag the window to see the bottom of the program window.
