Arm length to prop size.Pros/cons


Tarot 650 I have X4108S 600KV sunnys and have some 1455 on the way 4S 5000 (AUW 2300)

Would having longer arms provide better stability?This is a very slow flying build.

Here is mock prop setup pic 14''

Old Man

Active Member
The T650 is plenty stable just as it is. Don't change anything hoping for more stability. It does not need it.


Bane of G10
Just out of curiosity... has anyone with a 650 had a weird yaw issue in which the aircraft becomes unstable with quick yaw input? Seems to be restricted to my 650, doesn't happen with any of the others... Naza V2, Sunnysky X2212 KV980 motors. Tries to roll/pitch along with the yaw then calm down after a second. Gentle inputs don't cause it, only hard ones.
