Apparently DJI Have Released a NEW S800 - The EVO


Drone Enthusiast
DJI have released a new S800 to combat all the issues you beta testers raised.

They announced this on the forum but double posted the announcement. We have told them not to but they just don't listen, bit like not answering questions from members its VERY annoying. So I have deleted both posts. If you want more info about the new upgrade you will need to go to there web site.

<<DJI LISTEN PLEASE DO NOT DOUBLE POST>> Oh and why dont you reply to questions?

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likes gadgets
you probably need to spell it out in chinese so they understand

all their posts are probably done using google translater or somthing simlar

thats why they dont answer either that or they just dont care

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Drone Enthusiast
When there is not direct competition, there is no reason to value your customers. They know they are big and that you are going to buy their stuff regardless. The only and best way to make a change is for everyone to boycott them.


Active Member
When there is not direct competition, there is no reason to value your customers. They know they are big and that you are going to buy their stuff regardless. The only and best way to make a change is for everyone to boycott them.

They might remain in the toy/hobby section of the market (Phantom, F450, F650, Naza), but with their approach to serve the "professional" they failed completely big-time. They are just busy boycotting themselves out of the market. What they didn't get is (apart from making reliable hardware) the key to success is the after-sales service. No professional guy has the time to wait for weeks or months to send his gear to China, not knowing if it will ever arrive back. Everything in this business is time critical, and looking at the competition (Droidworx for example), their gear is far superior to the S800 + they have customer service + spare parts are avalible on many who is stupid enough to buy a S800 ????

Talking about the announced S800 EVO: Still the same rig as the normal S800, exept the stronger arms, the vib dampening kit, the retracts and some small extention plates arround the center frame. The ESC's look the same (exept the LED's), just with a heat sink. The older motors are just re-branded Tigers and had a KV of 320, now it looks like on the EVO is the same motor with a KV of 400 and a different housing (that might be the reason they need the heat-sink on the ESC's)....folding propellers: mhhh, do we really need that ?

If someone would think the EVO is a great product, it might be cheaper to get the "old" S800 at the "Big Sale" going on everywhere and just replace the arms and add the dampening kit for cheap, and if you really have to, get some re-branded Tiger motors with slightly higher KV,
similar to this one: ....and you have your home-made S800 EVO

Deleting the announcement post doesn't seem to be a big loss....not much going on there either:

.....interest seems to be below zero.....



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Not so new and improving
On a serious note if a not quite noobie wanted to avoid DJI what FC could he use and get reliable results for eventually pro use?


Active Member
DJI is the "easiest" plug-and-play product with all the known issues, but it makes sense to spend some time digging into the alternatives:




.....check video in Post # 160

Xaircraft SuperX:

Do a search on Google, forums, youtube, vimeo on each product and find the one which suits your needs.....

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Welcome to!!
I'm surprised you'd even mention XAircraft after the garbage they put out the first time around. So far, we haven't seen much of the new gen of stuff so no thanks on that one. Zero UAV sent a test unit to another well known site and they sent it back after trying to get it set up.

Mikrokopter is still a player but it's a good idea to know the limits of their motor controllers and to stay well within them. Or just use the I2c converter with standard ESC's.



Active Member
As for Xaircraft:
They had issues due to known facts, but I think it they will have a "come-back".....

As for Mikrokopter: They might have been good some time ago, but they have more concentrated on their internal issues than on developing the to me they lost it to Arducopter, althought there is still a bunch of harcore MK users out there....

As for Zero UAV:
This doesn't look like that it's not possible to set up the YS-X6 (forgot to put the link in my previous post)

There will be millions of pro's and con's for every flight controller, that's why I gave him this advice:

Do a search on Google, forums, youtube, vimeo on each product and find the one which suits your needs..... the end of the day it's alway a risky decission.

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Merlin of Multirotors
Talking about the announced S800 EVO: Still the same rig as the normal S800, exept the stronger arms, the vib dampening kit, the retracts and some small extention plates arround the center frame. The ESC's look the same (exept the LED's), just with a heat sink. The older motors are just re-branded Tigers and had a KV of 320, now it looks like on the EVO is the same motor with a KV of 400 and a different housing (that might be the reason they need the heat-sink on the ESC's)....folding propellers: mhhh, do we really need that ?


From what I've seen the Evo is what the S800 should have been when it was released. It was quite obvious that the S800 wasn't fully baked when it hit the market and we saw the same old 'let the customer pay to beta test' method of product development until they finally got to the Evo version. The only difference is now they have a fairly well developed product and the price has increased significantly, anyone that bought the original version can now pay for priviledge of fixing the problems of the original model by either upgrading the parts or outright throw away the old S800 and buy an Evo. If nothing else, they know how to bring in the $...

As for Xaircraft:
They had issues due to known facts, but I think it they will have a "come-back".....

As for Mikrokopter: They might have been good some time ago, but they have more concentrated on their internal issues than on developing the to me they lost it to Arducopter, althought there is still a bunch of harcore MK users out there....

As for Zero UAV:
This doesn't look like that it's not possible to set up the YS-X6 (forgot to put the link in my previous post)

There will be millions of pro's and con's for every flight controller, that's why I gave him this advice: the end of the day it's alway a risky decission.


Unfortunately I think XAircraft damaged their credibility to the point they will never fully recover and become a major player, again a case of putting something out on the market that wasn't fully tested and debuged, a pattern that keeps on repeating itself with various manufacturers and not just the ones in China.

I wouldn't write off MK just yet, the upgrade to V2.2 on the flight controller literally transforms the way it flys. MK was my first "real" multirotor flight controller system several years back, I still have that same Hexa V1 and its currently outfitted with the 2.2 upgrade and a brushless gimbal. Still very much a viable alternative in the mid range keeping in mind the limitations of the BL controllers. There is however now an alternative that looks like it may resolve some of those issues for not a lot of $ "MikroKopter I2C compatibility has also been built in as standard. A DIY port is available under the shrink wrap which allows using the ESC with MikroKopter hardware that uses I2C control." Maybe not quite enough for some of the larger and heavier configurations but it's certainly a less expensive and more honest solution than repackaging off the shelf 40 amp Chinese ESCs and charging outrageous prices for it...

As far as Arducopter goes, they're getting better but still not up to the standard of MK. To me they're somewhere between the current generation of Multiwii Pro boards and DJI systems. I currently have two of them and what I found is they work really well on some configurations and not so well on others. My FlipFPV/APM 2.5 quad flys almost as well as any of my Naza powered FPV quads, when I put the second APM 2.5 on my Droidworx AD-6 it was nearly impossible to find settings that made it fly with the same level of smoothness and stability I see in the FlipFPV quad, it seems as though the APM doesn't really like large heavy lifter frames. The other issue I've had with them is the disturbingly high occurance of uncommanded motor starts when doing configuration work on them to the point I will not connect a battery to one on the bench without first removing all the props and I'm always wary and on high alert when connecting or disconnecting the battery on the flightline.

My YS-X6 system was posted for sale to the classified section last night. The system showed promise when I was testing it but at the time the gimbal stabilization was poor and with my intended use being APV that simply wasn't going to work. Not an issue these days with the proliferation of brushless gimbals that do their own stabilization, but at that time I swapped the YS out for a DJI system and never got back around to reinstalling the YS on a frame. I really do not have time to play with all the flight controller systems that I would like to and the more complex the system the less likely that I'll be able to devote the time required to master the setup and configuration so unfortunately the YS must go as I simply do not have the time to go through the entire ramp up once again.

I've pretty much settled on a few flight controllers that I've found to be cost effective, reasonably easy to setup, and have advanced features that work as advertised. My FPV quads use both DJI Naza and Multiwii Pro and I don't see that changing anytime soon, both work well and have similar feature sets. My APV multis are mainly Mikrokopter once again with the 2.2 upgrade installed, the one holdout being the Cinestar with Wookong-M mainly because I don't have an MK stack to put on it and I'm not in a position to spend that amount of $ right now to purchase a new set of boards. The other part of that decision is I suspect we'll be seeing some new and interesting things from MK in the not too distant future so I'm waiting to see what comes along. Finally, my aerobatic quads are all using basic Multiwii boards, they have the tuning capability needed to make them respond the way I want and the cost for these boards is in the $20 range, Two of them do basic flips, rolls, and funnels easily, the third has some specialized software that extends the flight capability to being able to hover inverted and fly some limited 3D stuff. Still working on getting the pilot up to speed on being able to do everything the quad is capable of and for the anticipated August delivery of the collective pitch Stingray 500 quad I have on order :)

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Drone Enthusiast
It's too bad hoverfly cant figure out how to make a good looking package with a decent gps as they would be the #1 choice. Simple, reliable, well built, built in OSD, flies like butter. But for those who dont like the brick sized stack for what should be a matchbox sized unit, it just doesnt look pretty and makes tidy wiring jobs hard on smaller craft. And the GPSS, well, even if it does work, it looks like a high school science project. In my experience the guys who are engineers and programmers are normally not able to make things look pretty and marketable. It would take another team member that appreciates and recognizes the sales potential of incorporating beauty and sleek lines into the package. I will say though I have personally not had my Woochang or Nada crash on me. They just never got dialed in perfectly on my larger helis. But I always flew with fear of hitting RTH or using any other function other than atti mode. And thats not good. So i sold everything I had that was DJI minus a test naza for my fold-nfly, which I only got because I knew most people would be using one. I've so far been happy enough with the HFP to not look at anything else. But everyone's experiences vary. There is no perfect controller out there.

I know and fully acknowledge that the first generation of XAircraft flight controllers were released before being ready for primetime, but I would really encourage giving a second look. They have absolutely turned the corner with the SuperX and I think you will be pleasantly surprised with the build quality and user interface. Bart and RTRyder, I would be happy to send you a demo unit to test if you would be willing to review it here and provide your feedback. I will stand behind the new gen of products and put my money where my mouth is if you guys are willing to give XAircraft a second look!



I, like others got burned badly by XA. The v1 FC was utter crap. Not only was it utter crap, but WE HAD TO PAY to upgrade it, to guess what v2 which was again UTTER CRAP.
Now this did actually leave somewhat of a bitter taste as you can imagine. After spending 1000 USD +++ on the "professional AP x650 v1 " and ending up with nothing but utter crap, you may be astounded to know that I and most others would have expected a little apology and at the VERY LEAST a cost price upgrade for this FC.
Instead, it seems that again XA want us to PAY to upgrade to the latest ( most likely utter crap ) FC.
Even "if" its good, a naza M lite with GPS is the same give or take, and you can get WKM's now for 700 bucks .
Am I missing something here ? I don't think so.
If you would like to sell me a COST price FC I am willing to try it.
But XA should have treated their customers better from the start. then we wouldnt be here damaging their future business by telling people who crap they are.
to say the FC's were released before they were "ready" is laughable. The FC's were UTTER CRAP !

I flew with both the V1 and V2 successfully before ever becoming an XA distributor so to say they were utterly crap is a pretty big overstatement. If set up properly they both worked OK. With that being said they were tough to set up right and you are correct did not offer very good support. Go watch some videos of the SuperX and see what people are saying, it's a great flight controller. RC Groups is about to do a full review so wait to pass judgement based on the past. XA has their act together and will continue to innovate. I hate that there are people out there that feel like they have been taken advantage of, but at $359 dollars what more are you expecting?


I was as many others simply expecting what was advertised . A working GPS hold. Everyone knows that was not the case.
What I am expecting is a CLEAR CHEAP UPGRADE for us v1 customers.
I am not holding my breath.
I will continue to tell the truth as I lost lots of money with XA. Stopping people from losing again is all i'm trying to do.
My advice to people is just go buy DJI naza M lite. just as good as this new XA stuff. cheaper..... and support is good. XA have the worst history of customer support I have EVER encountered.


Active Member
I was as many others simply expecting what was advertised . A working GPS hold. Everyone knows that was not the case.

Maybe it was the case, but how does this look like: ?

I had my SuperX for a while on my work-bench and put it in a TBS Disco just out of curiosity, and I can confirm what is seen in this that wind the my Naza would already puke and be out of control....

My advice to people is just go buy DJI naza M lite. just as good as this new XA stuff. cheaper..... and support is good

You won't find ANY direct response from DJI to ANY issues they created on ANY forum......

I see a lot of great responses about the new SuperX performance, and I see distributors / importers of the SuperX being very pro-active on the long as they will keep it that way, I will buy from them and wish DJI all the best, maybe they also have to go through the sh*t-road as Xaircraft did to rethink their policy......but I agree with you, it would be a huge image-boost for Xaircraft to compensate for mistakes happend in the past with previous versions of that FC.

PS: This forum has always been very peacful, so I don't want to start an endless discussion about the "better" flight controller.....peace for everyone :02.47-tranquillity:

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