Silly old fart
I have put an APM 2.6 onto a Tarot 680 Hex.
Apart from the APM I have a 5v 5amp Ubec for the supply, a Neo 7 GPS and ext compass and a Fr-Sky S-BUS to CPPM receiver adapter (to use sbus on X8R ). Finishing off with Taranis TX. I have added external 10mm LEDs to A6 & A7 (they work great).
(I get GPS lock in a couple of seconds)
Now my problem:-
When arming the motors the red LED goes from slow flashing to faster flashing (instead of solid red). Everything seems to work ok but........
I thought maybe "not enough power" so I put a receiver battery on. No change.
Now the weird thing. When it is connected to MP I get a solid red when arming. Back to fast flashing when I disconnect the USB.
Any thoughts? Pleeeeeaaaaassssseeeee.
Apart from the APM I have a 5v 5amp Ubec for the supply, a Neo 7 GPS and ext compass and a Fr-Sky S-BUS to CPPM receiver adapter (to use sbus on X8R ). Finishing off with Taranis TX. I have added external 10mm LEDs to A6 & A7 (they work great).
(I get GPS lock in a couple of seconds)
Now my problem:-
When arming the motors the red LED goes from slow flashing to faster flashing (instead of solid red). Everything seems to work ok but........
I thought maybe "not enough power" so I put a receiver battery on. No change.
Now the weird thing. When it is connected to MP I get a solid red when arming. Back to fast flashing when I disconnect the USB.
Any thoughts? Pleeeeeaaaaassssseeeee.