Anyone using Hobbywing Xrotor Pro ESCs?


Hello everyone,

Is anyone using Hobbywing Xrotor Pro ESCs for their DJI FC systems? I would like to hear some thoughts on these ESCs. Would you consider these ESCs as a reliable option?


I'm running 6 of the 40A X-Rotor ESC's on my Tarot T960 powering Foxtech 4016 KV380's. I picked them up in March and I have 30+ hours on them and I love them. They are very smooth, very responsive and haven't given me a second of concern. My Tarot hovers extremely stable and slow yaw pans are very stable. I have the ESC's out at the end of the arms and I soldered in 3 - 470uf 35VDC capacitors in parallel in front of the ESC's to condition the line voltage. They barely are warm after 14-16 minute flight times. IMHO they are very good ESC's and you don't have the hassles of flashing them to get the higher refresh rate needed by the A2 FC.



I also have Hobbywing Xrotor Pro ESC 40A on my T960 powering T-Motor 4114 330kv motors. Work great. I originally had ZTW spiders but could never get it to fly I dont think the ZTWs liked the low KV motors. The XRotors worked great.


New Member
Any second thoughts about these ESC's?
I recently discovered 2 broken capacitors on one of my x-rotor 40a-opto ESC's by Hobbywing.
They barely flew 10 hours.

Is it just a bad luck, or a bad design?


I am still using mine. No issues I am aware of. Mine are mounted in the arms of my T960 - when your capacitors blew was it obvious or did you find it testing them?


New Member
I found out after my hexa-rotor crashed . When I checked the damage, one of the engines stuttered. It turned out it was because of the ESC. The only obvious damage to the ESC were the capacitors.


Sorry to hear that. The motors I am using are Tiger Motor 4014 330kv. With the 17" props they pull less than 20 amps and in hover and slow flight maybe 8. (Based on spec sheets vs actual measurements). Any idea what current your were typically pulling ? Were they stressed or maxed out?


New Member
I am using Sunnysky v5208-340kv with 17" props. I usually pull ~8-10A per motor on hover. Max current I ever measured was 20A per motor.

My guess is that mechanical vibrations caused the capacitors to detach.

However, it is rather strange that it only happened to me. If this was a bad design - I guess others would have suffered from a similar phenomena.
