Anyone know specifics about the Amazon Copters - especially the electronics?


It was a PR stunt for Amazon to get their name out there for the holiday shopping season...and it worked.
They didn't even film the "demo" footage in the US from fear of the FAA. It is quite unfeasible for many reasons - red tape, battery technology, safety, etc. Seems like if you need a quick PR hit, just send out a press release saying your "considering delivering your widgets with a drone." and take some footage with your widget strapped to the bottom of your rig. First it was tacos, then doritos, then pizza, now amazon.....


THx, I was certainly skeptical about the 10 mile radius, the 5lb pkg. Before I saw a pic of quad, I kept wondering what size battery or is it a gas helicopter or the battery they were using must be HUGE! I did come across a pic article showing the 4 others (tococopter,etc). I was also wondering what electronics they used for 'autonomous' flight or whether it was FPV/autonomous. I am new to multi's so I only know of the APM sys. that does waypt autonomous, assumed that FC.

Well, it certainly fooled me and many news outlets!! But shame on Amazon for f&*king with us!! :( But a cool idea with SOOOO many problems to solve!! Would be fun to solve them but FAA!!

It was a PR stunt for Amazon to get their name out there for the holiday shopping season...and it worked.
They didn't even film the "demo" footage in the US from fear of the FAA. It is quite unfeasible for many reasons - red tape, battery technology, safety, etc. Seems like if you need a quick PR hit, just send out a press release saying your "considering delivering your widgets with a drone." and take some footage with your widget strapped to the bottom of your rig. First it was tacos, then doritos, then pizza, now amazon.....

Electro 2

It was a PR stunt for Amazon to get their name out there for the holiday shopping season...and it worked.
They didn't even film the "demo" footage in the US from fear of the FAA. It is quite unfeasible for many reasons - red tape, battery technology, safety, etc. Seems like if you need a quick PR hit, just send out a press release saying your "considering delivering your widgets with a drone." and take some footage with your widget strapped to the bottom of your rig. First it was tacos, then doritos, then pizza, now amazon.....

Ha! I called it as such at the outset, bully for me. Dozens of folks that know I'm involved with this approached me for more info on this item. I told 'em it was a BS stunt for advertising purposes, and that there's no way it would ever work.


Ha! I called it as such at the outset, bully for me. Dozens of folks that know I'm involved with this approached me for more info on this item. I told 'em it was a BS stunt for advertising purposes, and that there's no way it would ever work.

So dump that specific info (elec, frame, motors,etc) on us, just for the fun of it! Hey it is pure BS right, carry on with the BS! ;)

Actually, what FC/human interaction is the most interesting, at least in the theory of actually doing pkg delivery.

Benjamin Kenobi

Easy? You call that easy?
If you're looking to build one (purely BS of course). It would be easy with the current technology to build the aircraft. A simple Octocopter design would be fine. You would need waypoint flying and the ability to land at destination plus drop package. Waypoint is easy. Landing and performing an action not so. It would be easier to have a downwards facing camera and simple release the package and allow to drop (for many items this would be fine), camera to check location is free from hazards naturally (would require someone to check the camera feed though).

Is that even what you were asking?

The whole legal aspect makes it an impossible task at the moment. And more importantly, the safety aspect. They would have to be loaded with so many sensors that the hole aircraft becomes cumbersome and expensive.

The future? Anything could happen because it's the future!

Electro 2

So dump that specific info (elec, frame, motors,etc) on us, just for the fun of it! Hey it is pure BS right, carry on with the BS! ;)

Reasons: Limited payload capacity say 10lbs or so, max. Limited reach, max 5 miles or so with deadhead return trip. Weather. Birds. Thieves with guns. High operating cost for limited trip length. It was a stunt, period.
