What Flight Controller do you use to do your missions? APM? Multiwii? Just curious.Just thought I would chime in and say I have flown the past two days using GPS for mission and non-mission flights with no issues.
20+ sats on my CSGShop M8N XL.
DJI Wookong M and the A2 systems.What Flight Controller do you use to do your missions? APM? Multiwii? Just curious.
Same here, never a problem getting sat lock with 6+ kp index or full blown mag storm.No, I didn't fly but I wasn't having any problems hooking up to 7 satellites in my living room.
I'll second this comment. I have had to get flights in between rains for mapping purposes in remote locations with "full blown mag storm" as well and never seen an issue.Same here, never a problem getting sat lock with 6+ kp index or full blown mag storm.