any suggestion for a coaxial X8 configuration?


Hi people
after some months of relax and happiness on my anaka system i decided to start a new build, aslo becouse
a lot of good new hardware is out recently!!!

i have already an idea on how to move but i'd like to have some feedback from the forum, especially from people
that already has experience on this config

this time i'd like to build a X8 configuration
i want to have a 3axis gimbal from GH4 to RED or BMCC
all have to be quickly unmountable and transportable
i want to save as much weight as possible (save money is a good thing if possible)

mi idea is to use MK FC 2.5 and MK BL 3.0
tmotor U7 with different propellers from 15" to 18" carbon fiber
use from 4S to 6S batteries (still have a lot of very good 4S to use)

starting from these elements which frame you feel to suggest?
which gimbal ? brushless alexmos
wich landing gear? trypod
which HD video trasnmission?

feel free to suggest also more for a good professional filming setup

thanks everybody!
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Heavy Lifter
The Freefly forum has several build threads for this kind of copter, including mine. I would suggest you look at a different motor, as the U7 is getting some really bad reviews. There are problems with it and I know of several folks who have had crashes and other problems as a result of trying to get them to work. And you're not likely to find a configuration that'll suit 9kg-114kg with the same motors. Don't bother with 4S, either...6S is far more flexible and useful. IMHO you're better off with two different copters.

And the same thing for gimbals...the RED-compatible gimbals are going to be a pain to switch to GH4. Unless you get a MōVI M10.


thankyou guys

you gave me good directions

i'm considering to hold on for now, i want to see better tests on GH4 before to take a direction

this camera looks promising but at the moment there are only tests VS AX100 or blackmagic 2K
i have the GH2 and have to say that i have great hopes for this new model

i'm reading also several bad reviews on U7 motors, they look a bit problematic...probably will go for KDE that look very professional
