Aerial Media Pros BROKEN INTO Please keep eyes and ears open for RTF XM8 Skyjib & RED

Hey guys,

It saddens me to have to write this. But I am hoping somone will see or hear something in the next days to follow. Last night between 8PM and 8am In COsta Mesa CA, someone broke into our shop, and pretty much wiped us out. The perp came through a window, and cut them selves pretty bad. So chances are they are bandaged up pretty good right now. The worst part of all of this is that we had just cxl our insurance last month, because they would not cover us for Aerial work. What a big mistake. To all the other business owners out there, Please learn from my mistake and make sure you install CAMERAS, and have adaquate insurance.

The items stolen are not your average copters, and can easily be made out. They are some of our custom builds. They also got our RED camera with lens's. If anyone sees or hears anything about the following items, Please call us at 888-557-6791, or call the Costa Mesa Police department directly at 714-754-5252 CASE# 13-229

OK, here is the stuff we have found missing so far.


Sony NEX5

RTF XM-8 Heavy with wookong set up and AXI Droidworx edition motors AV200
RTF AD8 with Wookong and AXI Droidworx Motors AV200
Pics of AD8 are on below link, and the XM8 was almost exact same except with the newer XM Frame. Same layout of wookong and ESC's
RTF Skyjib with Wookong set up AXI 2826 motors AV200
RTF AD6 with Mikrokopter set up AV200 360 AXI motors
RTF F550 with Heavy lift conversion and NAZA with GPS
RTF F550 with NAZA and GPS
RTF TBS Discovery EXTREME with Heavy lift conversion

(24) AXI 2814/22 Droidworx Edition Motors
(17) AXI 2826/12 Motors

2 Aerodrive 8 Boards

2 Skyjib v2 kits

3 Zenmuse NEX5
3 S800
4 Wookong

6 Futaba 8FG's

4 10.1" FPV Monitors
EFuel Power supply 60amp

4 AV200
2 AV130

They even stole my RC Cars LOL

Mugen 1/8 RTR with Tekin motor and Speedo
1/10 b4.1 with LRP SSX and 17.5 motor.

This is what I see missing right off the bat. I am sure I will notice more stuff later. If anyone happens to see or hear something, Please let me know.

This has been a major hit to us, But our spirits are high, and we will not let this stop us from moving forward.

Thank you everyone for your support.


Patrick Smith

Aerial Media Pros


Welcome to!!
I"m very sorry to hear that Patrick. We had another loss yesterday but I'll put that in another thread so as to not disrupt your attempts to get your stuff back.

Hang in there.

Sorry to hear aboyt your break in, might bd a idea to ask people to keep an eye on ebay as well,

Sent from my GT-P3110 using Tapatalk 2

Patrick, so sorry to hear about this. You may want to contact Red and post on so people will keep an eye out for the serial number. Red may be able to assist you. I hope they catch guy quick.

Thanks guys. And Thanks for the good advise Benjamin. I will post that right away. I feel the perp has too many items that are not very common. I imagine they will pop up somewhere real soon.


That's effing low and shoddy.

Hope that thief get what's coming.

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 2


That is horrible! I hate thieves ! Hope they got cut good.
Wish you luck on getting it back. I think the multirotor world is pretty small so hopefully you will find it.
I would consider going to local hobby shops and letting them know in case they go there to try and sell stuff.


Welcome to!!
and stop by the area's emergency rooms to see if anyone came in with a bad gash last night

This infuriates me... If you need a helicopter to fly some jobs I can send you my heavy lift Y6. Also if there is anything else i can do, just ask!!!

Damn, we'll keep our eye out. Most of my filming crew lives in San Diego, so I will spread the word. Sorry for the loss. You never know, some good always comes from even the worst events.

Just thinking a bit. For someone to take all that stuff would take a vehicle bigger then a Suburban, something more along the lines of a moving van. Also this seems like it would take more then one person. There has to be cameras from other business, street cameras, atm cameras, banks, etc..., that had to of captured the vehicle. Have you tried talking to other business in the area? (1/8mile coverage area)

Also the blood evidence is fantastic and the reality is you might want to contact the FBI and tell them that these types of equipment in the wrong hands could be used a terrorist device and the fact that they have already exhibited unbecoming actions warrents their investigation.

Ive done some work for the Denver FBI office and if you would like me to have them contact you let me know.

From looking at google earth of your location, It looks like there is a storage place off to the west (left) and im sure they have cameras. Try asking them.
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Aerial DP
Sorry to hear about this bro. IF theres anything i can do, look at, break in half just say the word

You guys got enough stuff to make the ama expo next week? wish i had more of the stuff you sell to let ya use


Active Member

Really sorry to hear about the break-in! You guys are one of the main shops I look to for parts and advice, if there is anything I can do let me know. I will keep my eyes and ears open. Years ago I owned a wedding and portraits studio and fell victim to a break-in similar to what you described. I had recently let my insurance lapse when someone broke into the building that my studio was in. The thieves broke into every business by kicking in the doors, it was the most violating feeling. They got away with all my cameras and lens, no where near the amount you've lost, but I can relate to what you're going through. The cops caught the guy a few months later, a crack-head looking for drug money, but the likely hood of that being true for you is slim. As gotaerialllc said, it is more likely that someone knew exactly what they were after and who knows what their intention is to use it for. It really sucks when you build a good business and support a community as tight as this one only to have someone rip it apart.

I hope they find your gear quickly and the bastards that did this.



This was a devastating blow to Patrick ..I hope that ***--- gets an infection from the cuts on his arms from climbing through the broken window and dies then rots in hell.. yes im pissed.. all them copters he took I built and I built them as if they were my own. who ever you are I hope when you fly one it come back at you and cuts up your face..

sorry guys im just pissed and I feel bad for my bro Patrick..


Drone Enthusiast
No need to be sorry. I'd take a baseball bat to the guys nuts and shove them down the throat of the kid who spams this site. They should stone these guys on prime time tv so everyone gets to enjoy. Start cutting fingers for god's sake! Enough of the slap on the wrist. these assholes need to be put to sleep.

quadcopters Drone Specialists
Really Sad news Patrick, I hope you get your gear back and they catch the thieving fu@@ers .
Some good advice from Gotaerial so thats a good place to start ..


Active Member
These guys have been in to see you at some time recently. Think back. It would seem from the items that were taken that they knew what they were looking for. They stole it for someone or more likely they stole it for themselves. If it was a commissioned theft it would be difficult to use that stuff without you knowing who had it. You need to lay a trap. Advertise for some of the items from out of town. Eventually the trail leads to one of them. They may be stupid enough to try and sell it to a model shop.

When you find that person his memory will improve after the first flesh wound. In my country when we catch em they don't look the same afterwards and then when they are told that they are going to end up in the pig feed on some mountain and nobody will ever know they even existed they tell you everything......

As you have some DNA the police may know these people. They sounds like they are young, not too bright and are looking for money so should be easy to find em.
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Sorry to hear that. If your cams/copters will be offered here in Germany/Austria/Italy i'll maybe hear about that and let you know.

Good Luck,



I am really sorry to read that.

My remark would be to contact DJI, since all their products have to be setup with an Assistant for which you log in. At least you can ask if the serial # is transmitted during this login, and if so, there might be an option to use this for tracking.

all the best to you

