What also make this problem hard is that it is very dependent on individual set-ups and external environment conditions. It could very well be that given one particular copter one could fly hundreds of flight just fine, only to run into this just once, say when wind is exactly at 2.453 m/s, at 132.3 degrees relative to copter front, and you are carrying 1.45 kg payload .. . (To caricature ...). Sort of reminds me of an issue found a while back on ardupilot with uncovered baros on the FC, it turned out that if you were flying in extremely specific conditions where the sun was hitting the FC just right from a very particular angle the baro and reported altitude would go haywire ... Very small chance but on 100,000's of flights it's going to happen ...
With respect to vibrations the problem is compounded by the fact that it's hard to test for this things. Good logging helps but it often falls short as your need logging data at very high sampling rates to get a good picture of vibrations, and this is not available. On top of that one can easily get into a sort of Heisenberg-ish situation where testing is going to affect observations. I actually played a while back with a little gizmo that one could attach to a copter that can report vibrations at about (still not enough) 500hz max, (sort of small equivalent of attaching a smartphone with a vibration logging app), with post software that does an FFT that shows you general behavior. This was more to get an idea of vibrations that could affect filming, but I never went far with it due to time constaints and put that project on hold when I got low vibrations and jello free video with good damping/isolation ... I suspect that with more fc power and faster processing in the future, and proper lab and research attention this problem will eventually be solved, or at least well understood and better mitigated, (after all it already is to some extent ...) but this will take some significant resources ...
I am fairly certain that DJI is well aware of this sort of challenge, in fact I think I remember some firmare revs of wkm that sort of went back and forth on how to mount the imu, damped or undamped. But who knows what this revs were addressing ... And given closed source and "back-box" design, there's just no way of knowing how they deal with this to this date. (The closest I think someone got to seeing what's inside is Timecop over at *** some time ago, who x-rayed a wkm (or was it a naza?). Gave some insight as to the sort of physical things inside, but won't go far at all on this particular issue ... At the end of the day the problem seems to be that designing a one-size fits all FC with limited parameter setting is just very hard, if not impossible ... How DJI looks at this now is a mystery, it depends on the sort of imu built-in filtering they use, their own fusion sensor filtering on top, etc ... Extended Kalman Filters or the like can do wonders yet they are not without limits ...