A2 Herkules Coaxial Wiring


I've got a Skyjib X4 ready for it maiden flight but I just have one question about the wiring between the A2 and the Mircomatch connectors for the Herk board.

I've setup the Skyjib motors as per the recommended way in the Herk manual:

A = M02
B = M03
C = M04
D = M01
E = M08
F = M07
G = M06
H = M05

When connecting the mircomatch to the A2 flight controller does:
A go to M1
B go to M2
C go to M3
D go to M4
E go to M5

or do I stick with
A going to M2
B going to M3
C going to M4
D going to M1.....?

Many thanks for anyone who can solve my little dilemma!


The last option is the right one. Take care when connecting the bottom herkules due to the offset on the front mark used to know the A output (E) for firm loading


I've got a Skyjib X4 ready for it maiden flight but I just have one question about the wiring between the A2 and the Mircomatch connectors for the Herk board.

I've setup the Skyjib motors as per the recommended way in the Herk manual:

A = M02
B = M03
C = M04
D = M01
E = M08
F = M07
G = M06
H = M05

this is how i have mine setup, works nicely.
A = M6 Lower CCW
B= M3 Upper CCW
C= M8 Lower CW
D= M1 Upper CCW
E (a) = M4 Upper CCW
F (b) = M7 Lower CW
G (c) = M2 Upper CCW
H (d) = M5 Lower CW


Hi Cheshirecat,
Not that you should ever have a problem with the herk board but I like the idea of having the safety redundancy if one board fails for some reason the copter will still fly with the setup suggested in the manual. Have you tried both ways?


Hi Cheshirecat,
Not that you should ever have a problem with the herk board but I like the idea of having the safety redundancy if one board fails for some reason the copter will still fly with the setup suggested in the manual. Have you tried both ways?

Hi, it does have redundancy. if one board fails i have a quad. Although with only 4 Motors and a full payload i would only have enough thrust to make a partially controlled descent at full throttle around 8Kg and it weighs 12Kg so it is going to come down.
Did you use the custom motor mix Andreas wrote in the manual for his suggested setup? i tried that but could not get Motors 6 and 7 to spool up, (the other 6 were OK). I never got to the bottom of the issue so reverted to my current setup.
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Hi Cheshirecat,

Sorry didn,t read your post carefully enough - it's a clever way you've done it to keep redundancy. I got sent this from Andreas regarding the mapping to the A2, I haven't tried spooling up yet but will take it for its maiden flight today so will keep you posted if I have any spool up issues.

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Active Member
I have been looking at the Herkules for possible future build, and I can not understand a couple of things.
Do you require 2 of these for 8 motors, or can you purchase 1 to run all 8?
Also CheshireCat, I looked at your post and can not see how if 1 board goes out you have a quad, unless I am missing something as I can not see HenrySJ image as its too small.
Is 1 board not M1-M4 and the other m5-m8 as you have m1-m4 all turning CCW on top

Sorry if this is a stupid question, just trying to get my head around how the Herkules works.


Hi Quinton,

You can get the Herkules Octo board which comes as one unit which controls all 8 motors but it is basically 2 quad boards connected together as you mention. What Chershirecat has done, which stumped me to start with, is although he hasn't got one board controlling all the top motors and the other controlling all the bottom motors, he has got one board controlling 1 of each motor on each arm adn therefore if one board failed it would still be a quad. (I think he has just made a mistake saying M3 is running CCW when its running CW)

Sorry the image is so small its a pdf so had to do a screen grab can email it to you if you want though?


Correct M3 CW!!! Doh! don't do that in the real world.

With the Herkules you can set each of the outputs A Through H to any Motor you wish as you flash each of the firmware addresses individually.
The FC just tells the Herkules to do X with motor number Y and the Herk commands whatever motor you have assigned the corresponding number to.
So it is as flexible as using seperate ESC's but with many more benefits.
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