A warning to newbies

Please make sure you use lipo sacks when handling batteries, they cost next to nothing and could save you thousand
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Active Member
Please make sure you use lipo sacks when handling batteries, they cost next to nothing and could save you thousand

Not only for beginners, this is a good reminder to everyone what can happen.
I would imagine that a very large % do not even store their lipos securely..thanks for sharing.
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SCAREY for sure. I'm begining to realize that these Lipo's aren't as easy to get along with, as I thought. As usual, cheap ain't always good.


I know everybody thinks they are smarter than the system. We aren't. Just to point out, I personally don't believe he should have been charging so many batteries in a single bag. As he said, they were fully charged and just "went up" when he plugged them in (so he probably had one of them backwards). I mark all my balance cables with a black line on the plug to ensure I get them correct (well, give me a fighting chance).

Lipo bags are dirt cheap. He just spent hundreds of dollars on batteries and it could have been contained in a single bag (had he not put 4 in a single bag). Granted, just my opinion.

I live in a "Apartment" (Military Barracks). I charge, store mine in my room. BUT, I keep them in an individual (sometimes two to a bag) but always charge and store in a "fire box" I got at the PX. I even mounted a smoke detector in the lid of the fire box!

Be smart folks!


Amazon Lipo bags are Corey Approved! (And only a fraction of your local hobby store!)



biggles UK... It appears that there were more than one battery in the bag. Can you elaborate as to why there would be more than one battery in that setup and how you do your charging?



Active Member
I have a slightly different question about charging and need some advice. I have 4cell 4000 mAh with one cell, #3, lagging behind causing my charge times to be over 2 hrs and still not fully charged on that one cell. Should I destroy this battery before disaster strikes or is there a way to correct the in-balance?




I'd ask this question on the beginners section, on the lipo charging for beginners. I think a few people who are pretty smart monitor that thread. Have you tried a "balance only" charge?


Active Member
Thanks Corey,

Just took the battery off the charger and all are now balanced at 99%, took awhile. I always plug the battery into the balance board if that what you mean. This is the first battery I've had this problem with in three years, other than having a bad spell with some couple GensAce 5300 4cell's that had a bad cell out of the box. Those were apparent since you could see the chemicals seeping out of the cell packaging, sent them back for full refund. With those the charger signaled a problem as soon as I plugged them in for first charge, unplugged an inspected which allowed me to spot the problem area. I now check every battery I purchase before plugging them in for the first time to see if there are any issues.



Active Member
Just found this tonight on twitter with Phantom lipos, another reminder..

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