A near disaster


The other day was doing some training and trying my DYI gimbal and dampening sytem.

And when doing "hard" Roll, this happened. So decided to film to get your opinion.

The time that i decided to film was the worst.

I guess the dampening system could be bit soft?! Wich is strange becase i´m using black and red Freefly O`rings for a GH3


And she flies fine without the gimbal? Is a gimbal on this frame a new addition?

It could be a dampening problem on the gimbal, but it could also be a dampening problem with FC with the weight of the gimbal if it is a new addition or even the FC reaction to having the dampened weight. Two additional scenarios would be, without the gimbal, and if you can firm up the gimbal mount by temporarily by adding a couple fasteners.


Yes that was what I was wondering.. Does it fly right without gimbal?

This is classic "pendulum effect" which is exactly what the name implies. Virtually every case I have seen of this has been on X8 type machines.

It may be able to be tuned out by adjusting the PIDs on your flight controller but I don't have any first hand experience with this issue.

Do a search here and on RCGroups for Pendulum Effect and let us know what you find out.


It has always flown well with or without gimbal..

But yes the dampening system and gimbal are different now..

What I have noticed in the first times I used this dampening system (only red Freefly Orings) is that the gimbal itself had that movement even with gentle comands and that is why i have put red and black orings..

Later I will post some pics of the dampening system and gimbal..


I would tighten up the damping as much as humanly possible then. You'd be surprised at how rigid you can get away with. I use the damping balls type, and stuff them with foam earplugs, then run bolts through them and crank em down till they're almost solid.

In your case I suspect the gimbal is "wagging" and the flight controller is overcompensating.

I'd try to stiffen the gimbal up first then if it flies better maybe a little PID tuning.

Replace the camera with a dummy weight of the same weight and balance to lower the risk I bit ;)
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I had that same system too. And I was having good results but not great, so decided to try the o-rings system and I think overall is better.
Have already tighten this system and if possible will try tomorrow..


What gimbal system you change too?

Sorry for answering just now... Been on vacations! :) So I haven´t tried flying with the tighter dampening system.

Here are some pics of my system. The gimbal is a version 1 and will be building a more robust V2 soon.


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