3dr x8 payload

I would like to see different configurations,, what is out there ,, eg Camera , gimbal , flying time . I would like to install a SONYCAM , Is there anyone with this type setup,?Thanks

Debian Dog

Old Heli Guy
I was thinking the same thing while looking at the X8. Why would I need eight motors to carry a GoPro and gimbal?

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I was thinking the same thing while looking at the X8. Why would I need eight motors to carry a GoPro and gimbal?

it depends on what you're doing...is it a gropro that will be used to shoot video of a BMW dealership? if it were me I'd want eight motors to help reduce the risk of my heli dropping onto a $100k new car. also, a coaxial quad with eight motors will fly more smoothly in wind and be more stable in descending flight making video movements smoother and offering additional variety.

if you're going to go ripping around for fun than four motors might be a better choice but that's up to you to make. :)

Debian Dog

Old Heli Guy
it depends on what you're doing...is it a gropro that will be used to shoot video of a BMW dealership? if it were me I'd want eight motors to help reduce the risk of my heli dropping onto a $100k new car. also, a coaxial quad with eight motors will fly more smoothly in wind and be more stable in descending flight making video movements smoother and offering additional variety.

if you're going to go ripping around for fun than four motors might be a better choice but that's up to you to make. :)

Well, as far as stability and recovery of an aircraft. I would argue you would have more angles of correction with a non coaxial multirotor and if you have a motor failure you would not have the interference of having to drag lift though a dead motor and prop;)

6 seems like the sweet spot 8 seems like over kill... IMO But I was hoping it would be rated for a mini DSLR w/gimbal type load.
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Arducopter Developer
Simply put, an X8 has a demonstrated ability to fly easily with one motor out. Dead prop drag or not, it's not really a debatable point, it's proven.

6 are probably the worst, actually. Many can no t fly with one motor out. And you have 50% more failure points than a quad which also can't fly with a motor out. So why bother? The only reason a hex is better than a quad is that they are more stable in flight, since they can balance roll/pitch with yaw more accurately.

Debian Dog

Old Heli Guy
ANY six or eight motor multicopter can fly without one motor with the right hardware it's nothing special. It is nothing more than a mathematical calculation on how much to slow the other motors down.

Looks and portability is the only reasons to put one motor over the top of another. And I do think it looks better. But back to the subject at hand how much can X8 lift as configured by 3DR? I'm sure it's more than the six of the four.

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ANY six or eight motor multicopter can fly without one motor with the right hardware it's nothing special.
that's actually wrong. I've had three motor failures on my XY-8's, with one heli I landed twice without damage, the second time i didn't know the motor was out until it was close enough to see the stopped prop. on the other (different FC) the heli yawed uncontrollably and landed hard.

Looks and portability is the only reasons to put one motor over the top of another.
also not quite right. arrangement of the motors can be for a lot of different reasons, i happen to have mine out to the sides away from the view of the camera and find the coaxial arrangement to be very stable in winds and when descending. it happens to make a smaller footprint but that's gravy as far as i'm concerned.

not all flight controllers do things the same way and to assume that's the case will lead you down some very unsatisfactory paths.

as to what the 3DR X8 can lift? it depends on the motors, props, batteries, etc.

Debian Dog

Old Heli Guy
that's actually wrong. I've had three motor failures on my XY-8's, with one heli I landed twice without damage, the second time i didn't know the motor was out until it was close enough to see the stopped prop. on the other (different FC) the heli yawed uncontrollably and landed hard.

Because only the newer DJI hardware does it (that I know of) is only a matter of mass and correction as long as you're not overloaded -1 motor you should still be able to fly. As I stated above it is a matter of hardware I know most controllers cannot handle this. And I would also argue that if you weren't in a coaxial configuration it would have been a lot easier to recover because you wouldn't be dragging that motor around trying to draw or push air across a nonmoving propeller. Simple physics. Of the crashes I've seen noncoaxial tend to spin down and coaxials seem to yaw one direction and go down

also not quite right. arrangement of the motors can be for a lot of different reasons, i happen to have mine out to the sides away from the view of the camera and find the coaxial arrangement to be very stable in winds and when descending. it happens to make a smaller footprint but that's gravy as far as i'm concerned.

as to what the 3DR X8 can lift? it depends on the motors, props, batteries, etc.

Okay I will give you the smaller footprint in the wind and arms out of the way... again NOT the reason for this thread

finally yes that's what the question. It comes preconfigured with motors props and batteries how much can it lift? Good grief.

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the 8 only can carry the same as the 6 and the quad? I do not believe that either. Post #3

that's a question you should put to the manufacturer then. there was an extensive discussion on the heli's in question at the link provided.
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