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  1. N

    XAircraft XAircraft X650 Pro - Owners

    I ended up purchasing new ESC's as the X aircraft supplied ones cannot be talked to in any language. My new problem is inexplicably loosing Comm with the craft occasionally and it comes home to roost via GPS. I Modded the Turnegy 9x with the Frsky and it didn't help. I'm afraid to fly near trees...
  2. N

    XAircraft XAircraft X650 Pro - Owners

    Gentlemen; Wish I had done more research and found your raves before i purchased a x650 value...Ah hindsight. I have the DJI WK-M mated with a FS TH9X and can't seem to control the motors, they run continuously even though the software shows the throttle is modulating and A, E and R are...