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    XAircraft How do you balance rotor output on XA 650v?

    @XAircraft USA - Is there a known problem with current XAircraft props being fragile?
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    XAircraft How do you balance rotor output on XA 650v?

    The manual for the X650 value has no reference (as far as I can see) to plus or cross configuration. All the illustrations are cross config, perhaps because they are pitching this as an AP/FPV quad. AP is my intended use, but I need to get a massive amount of practice in before I feel confident...
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    XAircraft How do you balance rotor output on XA 650v?

    New motor arrived today, and despite feeling even more notchy than the suspect one, we had a vertical(ish) lift off. So it does appear that the suspect motor was performing below par. As total novices to RC flight my son and I are both struggling to master the controls. Broken props and landing...
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    XAircraft How do you balance rotor output on XA 650v?

    I'll run it past the supplier - see what his thoughts are!
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    XAircraft How do you balance rotor output on XA 650v?

    Just couldn't wait to test using the tripod method so went the Windhorny route. Placed it in the middle of the lawn and gave it sufficient throttle to leave the ground. Took off sideways and reached about a metre and a half, rapidly travelling on the axis of the rear right hand motor arm (M4) at...
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    XAircraft How do you balance rotor output on XA 650v?

    Cheers CMonteiro. I'll try your tripod method and hover mode at next opportunity.
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    XAircraft How do you balance rotor output on XA 650v?

    That's a great setup for 'no risk' testing CMonteiro. Thanks for providing us with the video. Love your counterbalance weight! I'll try exactly the same setup. I've got a couple of ball heads knocking around. At what height does the ground effect that WindHorny mentions cease to be an issue for...
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    XAircraft How do you balance rotor output on XA 650v?

    I've got the kit assembled and carried out the basic props off/props on test before giving it a little more juice at which point it very rapidly tilted to the right and took out a prop. Notched out a couple of 2x3's to allow a couple of inches of vertical movement (over cautious novice or what)...
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    How do I power FC and Rx on XAircraft 650v?

    Thanks for the info Jeffrey. I've now managed to hook up everything correctly. So simple when you know the basics - which I don't! The Rx came packed with the Spektrum DX6i and I was unable to find any info about operating voltages in the manual. The replacement Spektrum Rx from a local RC shop...
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    How do I power FC and Rx on XAircraft 650v?

    Yes, there does seem to be a shortage of info in this area. The X650v comes with a battery harness with 5 outlets, 4 of which hook up to the ESC's, but no hint of what to do with the 5th. After smoking the receiver, I clearly need some guidance on how to wire this thing correctly.
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    How do I power FC and Rx on XAircraft 650v?

    First post and a totally clueless RC noob who's just choked his new Spektrum AR6100e with 11.1v! Thought I'd get a kit as this is my first foray into RC flight and I'm finding all the terminology a little daunting. Didn't check the voltage range on the Rx, and no info on product or in...