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  1. fabietto_91

    Photohigher skyline rsgs

    strange.. maybe the setting up level isn't that accurate.... physical bubble can't be precise like an electronic bubble.... i've had many problem too, i've done the level xy many times before solving it..... however, every time you change xy, you have to change the z and the autotune... sure.
  2. fabietto_91

    Photohigher skyline rsgs

    The horizon is bend even if you restart without USB plugged in?
  3. fabietto_91

    Photohigher skyline rsgs

    This is my procedure, works well for me but i don't know if is the best procedure. -using an iPhone bubble (an app called "Bolla iHandy", with a tolerance of 0,1°) calibrating it on a perfectly horiziontal surface (try to turn the bubble 90° on that surface, and see if it mark always 0,0°: if...
  4. fabietto_91

    Photohigher skyline rsgs

    eheh... glad to help...:) :)
  5. fabietto_91

    Photohigher skyline rsgs

    Try this way: unistall the old PH software. intall the new PH software on your PC. connect skyline (unpowered) to your pc. go to firmware update. click "update firmware". now power on skyline. It will work. :)
  6. fabietto_91

    Photohigher skyline rsgs

    Hi tuukkuli! Here you can find 1.7b software download (post #2219) . I found a huge improvement on roll.. no jitter and better response....! I hope the new firmware 1.7 (with new manual) can be even better.. Fabio
  7. fabietto_91

    Photohigher skyline rsgs

    Why Ph will refund you? ........I'm pretty sure that your Skyline is working..... With 1.7b version and an accurate XYZ level setting, I suppose that almost all skyline unit will do their job... Mine has had many problem with roll drifting.... I have done several times calibration with phisical...
  8. fabietto_91

    Photohigher skyline rsgs

    Thank you Dave. :) @Macsgrafts. If you don't like RSGS, sell it and buy a radian! I can't understand why you continue to put bad words on it... bah
  9. fabietto_91

    Photohigher skyline rsgs

    I agree with MikeH :tennis:. However, here is a small clip where the skyline is used in the worst situation... flying sideways in pretty strong windy condition..... for me the footage is acceptable... the yaw movement is crap i know, it's my fault.... :pig:
  10. fabietto_91

    Photohigher skyline rsgs

    Thank you hexa. :) When I shoot some of the clip of the video was before solving the roll drift problems... An accurate XYZ set up procedure seem to have solved it.... what do you mean with 'strange roking roll'? sometimes you can notice a small swing "left-right"'s caused by the small...
  11. fabietto_91

    Photohigher skyline rsgs

    Hi hexacrasher! :) yes, i did fly my gimbal. I have posted my flying video few days ago... Anyway, here is the video: In video editing i never used post stabilization. Just the ois from the cam.:) Fabio
  12. fabietto_91

    Photohigher skyline rsgs

    Mine works pretty good... Are you sure that your skyline unit isn't damaged?
  13. fabietto_91

    Photohigher skyline rsgs

    Hi everyone. As I have mentioned earlier, I made a smaller pulley for tilt on my AV130. Now the gear ratio is 5:1 (instead of 2,5:1). I have raised the tilt gain until 450, and there is no jitter at all: it holds the camera very well. Here is the video.... I used nex5 camera, that hasn't any...
  14. fabietto_91

    Photohigher skyline rsgs

    Thank you Helifish. glad to hear.. :highly_amused: i'm using panasonic x900, and some foam between frame and gimbal, to absorb vibration.. but I've balanced accurately every motor (pulso U28m) to get rid of most of vibration..
  15. fabietto_91

    Photohigher skyline rsgs

    While waiting for Photohigher release a better firmware than 1.2 and better manual, I would show my last work with 1.7b and av130. Hope you enjoy it. ....with 1.7b I noticed a huge improvement in roll beavhiour, but still some drift when panning... I've noticed that a precise set level XYZ...
  16. fabietto_91

    Photohigher skyline rsgs

    Hi, vip & Tuukkuli, I'm glad you like it. The camera is a Panasonic hc x900, but I prefer sony cx730 because the optical stabilization is better... as for the setup, i use av 130, with tilt trail slight frictioned with grease. the rsgs is v1.7beta, and gains is: TILT: position 160 velocity 170...
  17. fabietto_91

    Photohigher skyline rsgs

    Hi everyone. Here you can see my test of skyline 1.7beta (with av130gimbal). I noticed slight roll drift at the end of flight.. But reasonable. The only real problem is the tilt jitter with long body camera (such as sony cx730 or panasonic x900) to avoid the jitter i have to reduce position...
  18. fabietto_91

    Photohigher skyline rsgs

    Hi Droider! Maybe you meant 1.7b firmware? ....or 1.6?
  19. fabietto_91

    Photohigher skyline rsgs

    +1 I agree!! They can put on their website the beta version for a week or two, (and also the current working version) ad see what happen.... if new firmware won't work, they will know in few days...
  20. fabietto_91

    Photohigher skyline rsgs

    Thanks Nic for reply! it seems you are the unique that feel good with v1.6... One question: PhotoHigher is now working for debugging v1.6 (dummy pots solution, with skyline that gives feedback to servos) or maybe they recognise that external potentiometers are necessary for give the tray...