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  1. J

    IOSD - Cam switch delay (too long)

    Hi everyone, I find that my IOSD markII switch delay is too long - it takes like 1 second to switch from a camera to another. Is it the same for you ? Before the Iosd, I uses a 20$ cam switch that switched instantaneously and I miss that speed. Sometimes I need to switch on the fpv cam quickly...
  2. J

    Herky-Jerky WKM during RTH

    Hi, That was with the the 5.20 firmware, JiP
  3. J

    DJI released WKM Firmware 5.22 and LED-BT-I (Bluetooth indicator)

    I saw a pre-order at 99€ (130 $) But no info about when it's available. JiP
  4. J

    Herky-Jerky WKM during RTH

    Hi, So here's the report ! I tried rth with all gains inhibited : no change - same bucking and hovering forever I tried with gimbal OFF : perfect RTH I tried with gimbal off and manual gains (pitch roll) on X2 : perfect RTH So I tried playing with gimbal settings until I found the one parameter...
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    Herky-Jerky WKM during RTH

    Thanks a lot ! Will try and report. So no more live gain control.. :upset:
  6. J

    Herky-Jerky WKM during RTH

    Hi PeterLester, I'm not sure I understand that.. (actually I'm sure I don't ! language barrier I guess !) Would you mind explaining ? This means you can't control gains using X2 ? So it's a software bug ? I use X2 on gains and switch off my transmitter to go on failsafe, but my x2 value is the...
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    Herky-Jerky WKM during RTH

    Hi PeterLester, Me and another guy here in France have a similar problem : our MR fly perfectly in any mode (manu, atti, gps) but we have the same bucking you describe when in RTH, plus our MR will not go-home but remain hovering forever, never descending until we take control back. (yet we set...
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    Skyline Gyro

    Hello, Did you get my pm ? JiP
  9. J

    Photohigher skyline rsgs

    Originally Posted by Blacksails I had this problem with the Av200 for quite a while. Jittering when coming back to level on the tilt tray. Turned out being the screw that locks the tray to the tilt pulley (not the screw that it rotates on, the one below it) was too tight. Also the axle the...