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    my first night flight with naza - f450

    Nice work! My first night flight was after happy hour and I flew into a tree and smashed a rotor :P
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    stock motor is odd.

    Mine does that too, I'm also interested in hearing about this. It didn't use to do it, but it doesn't seem to affect the performance of the drone. Sorry I couldn't be any help, but just know you're not alone!
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    Naza F450 Flipping during takeoff

    Thank you all for your help, I took off all the props and made sure to put them on corresponding to the direction of the motor and it worked! What a thrill to get the thing going on a long straight-away!! I'm so excited, and here i am sitting at my desk all sweaty like a kid - I love it! It...
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    Go Pro Hero2

    I got the Motorsports edition brand new for $269.00 on Amazon, and couldn't be happier. I wanted to buy through the link on this website, but Amazon was cheaper and I was able to use my AMEX rewards points for it. I do click on the banner ads as much as i can to make up for it :)
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    Naza F450 Flipping during takeoff

    Wow, I bet you're right! I'm saddened though because I have work for another 5 hours at least before I can try after work if it's still light. Thanks again for your help, I'm still learning :)
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    Props--- what brands work?

    Hope I'm not hijacking, but can anyone confirm whether you can get an 8'' from anywhere other than DJI that requires no boring? I do not have the equipment to do any tweaking. Thanks!
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    Naza F450 Flipping during takeoff

    Hi Kloner, thank you for your quick response! Everything is stock on the F450 from DJI, props, escs motors, etc. I don't believe the props can be flipped over because of the notched hole. Even so, I checked and the tiny DJI logo was facing up on all four, so I don't think one could be...
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    Naza F450 Flipping during takeoff

    Hi all, Last night around 10PM I put the finishing touches on my shiny new F450, and was able to get it off the ground and fly it briefly around my tiny apartment. I did several takeoffs to get a handle on how far up the throttle I'd have to go to get it to lift off. I even have a video of it...
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    Prop strike protection?

    Just wanted to say I cannot wait for that footage!
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    Hello from Baltimore!

    Thank you very much Terry, I appreciate the offer! Can you recommend a good local hobby store?
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    Hello from Baltimore!

    Hi all, Just wanted to say hello to you fine people, your forums were one of the main reasons that I felt comfortable buying and assembling a DJI Naza F450. I have zero knowledge of electronics or soldering, however all these how-to videos and posts gave me the confidence to attempt a build. I...