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  1. M

    XAircraft X650V4 Aftermarket Motor/ESC Compatibility Problems

    Hey buddy! I gotta laugh, I actually read your post in and came back over here to find this thread to show you - looks like you beat me to it! I'm the guy responsible for the original, rambling post above - almost a year ago now! Just to follow-up, I never got things working to...
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    XAircraft X650 altitude sensor

    It does give both a barometric pressure altitude reading and a GPS reading while connected in XAircraft Center. If I had to guess I'd say it takes averages of both readings on the fly for increased accuracy, but don't take my word for it.
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    XAircraft X650V ESC Cover

    I gave up on them. At one point I was using black zip ties, but with the number of mounts I've replaced it's just more time futzing around for something I won't see five seconds after I take off.
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    XAircraft Crashes - How many and how bad?

    I've been in a bit of a lull with flying my x650 lately...a series of recent crashes: -Lost control due to solder pad coming loose (signal lead on the ESC, brand new and 45 seconds into flight). -Lost control due to bird strike shearing prop (almost saved it - but that "redundancy" of the X8...
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    XAircraft Overweight!

    I was in the same boat not too long ago. How's the throttle range with 1751g on board (how much throttle do you need to maintain a hover - 50%, 75%, or more?). I'd worry about overheating the stock motors (which I did) and possibly some hard landings. I found that leaving yourself with such a...
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    XAircraft Do I need only the autopilot or i have to get the new GPS too

    As far as I've heard the new autopilot module only works with the FC1212-P. Whether or not you can plug your V1 GPS module into it is a good question. What site did you see that you only needed the autopilot module? I'm not sure if you can buy them separately.
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    XAircraft trouble getting smooth motor spool-up with new escs - is it the wrong combo?

    Could you expand on this? I'm having similar issues with QD1200B's, but I'm actually still using the AKE 12A ESC's (my page long rambling post below yours). Did your old ESC's work well with those motors? I've tried every possible way of configuring throttle range (each individually, all at...
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    XAircraft X650V4 Aftermarket Motor/ESC Compatibility Problems

    Hi guys, this is my first post so bear with me. Have a couple of quick, simple questions........... I recently bought 4 AKE High Speed PWM 12A ESC's and 4 AKE Quad Dancer QD1200B motors for a X650V4 (FC1212-P & AHRS-V2), in an attempt to gain power without going to the V8 configuration. I'm...