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  1. alx

    naza failsafe )..any help

    Hi i m little bit confused any help would be helpfull so.. i have a f500/naza/gps & a Spektrum dx7s with Ar8000 rec. i setup the 3 position switch Man.Att.Gps in the assistant software of naza and bind the failsafe with my spektrum dx7s when i turn it of . The throtlle in the assistant...
  2. alx

    homemade 2 axis gimbal ..

    Sunshyne this (gimbal) is not so good ,actually its not even a gimbal :),use it only for fun!!! take off the (motors-bearings) from 2 Hdd.. try to screw the part together in way one vertical one horizontal .. the results are nothing but pro.!
  3. alx

    homemade 2 axis gimbal ..

    first test...still needs work to do! No cost at only takes 30 minutes to build just needed 2 old hdd (remove motor) and 2 clamps (pci clamps) :))) really fun...!!
  4. alx

    Brushless Gimbal Developments

  5. alx

    to all of you hi guys..!!!

    just bought my first dji f550 & Spectrum dx7 .. waiting now to assemble-setup and flight...:) any good advice? alx!