Search results

  1. Old Man

    Airlines and Li-Pos

    Looks like batteries are going to run into more problems with shipping.
  2. Old Man

    Sony a6000?

    I've been looking for a new camera and leaning towards the Sony a6000 for a mirrorless option that doesn't break the bank. Checking the other forums on the site there does not seem to be much info available for the camera in multirotor use. Does anyone here have any input, pro or con about the...
  3. Old Man

    Wanted Hive Mini Power Distribution Board

    Looking for an unused, undamaged Hive Mini PDB. If you have one that's unwanted send me a PM. I'm in the U.S. so overseas shipping costs make that trip a bit unattractive.
  4. Old Man

    New to Multirotors? A general guide for the new user.

    From the friendly folks at ACUAS.ORG comes a simplified statement for the new multirotor enthusiast that expands a bit on the FAA/AMA use video. The text has been copied and pasted from the site in two posts to fit the 10,000 character requirements but the PDF it attached in full to the first...
  5. Old Man

    MR Representative Organizations

    After reading and participating in a couple of threads applicable to organizations representing our endeavors I'd like to put some thoughts out in the public domain about where I think things are going. I don't expect to make everyone happy with this but at the same time I believe the...
  6. Old Man

    Finally, a cure for irresponsible Phantom Operators

    Take that you pesky Phantom!
  7. Old Man

    Aerial Harmony

    I decided to break down and finally make it a legal entity and registered a business as Aerial Harmony for the purpose of aerial imagery and low level aerial flight systems research and development. Not sure if it was a good idea or one that will cause some grief later with some government...
  8. Old Man

    Angel on the Christmas Tree

    Sorry, but I couldn't resist. When four of Santa's elves got sick, the trainee elves did not produce toys as fast as the regular ones and Santa began to feel the pre-Christmas pressure. Then Mrs. Claus told Santa her mother was coming to visit, which stressed Santa even more. When he went...
  9. Old Man

    Amazon looking for multirotor operators

    For those so qualified, Amazon is looking for experienced sUAS operators that also have engineering degrees and FAA pilot's licenses. Alas I have at least double their requirements but lack the engineering degree.
  10. Old Man

    Washington D.C. Section 333 educational

    For those in the area and so inclined to attend a meeting covering in's and out's of the 333 waiver process, the following;
  11. Old Man

    Phantom Follies World Wide

    Post 'em if you've got 'em. Blue Mosque in Turkey.
  12. Old Man

    Beware, Diesel-Electric Locomotives

    Something I should have been really thinking about but didn't before starting a shoot this morning; An operating diesel-electric locomotive is extremely radio noisy. Found that out a little too late after my FPV screen when total static and lost control of the bird as the locomotive passed in...
  13. Old Man

    Another A2 Failure

    The bird was a test bed so the crash wasn't too expensive. Discovery frame, s800 arms for quad configuration, 600kV motors, and of course the never to be forgotten A2. Losing the home built Go Pro gimbal up front was a bit of a disappointment. Flew great in manual and Atti but tried a POI...
  14. Old Man

    Another brilliant enthuasist
  15. Old Man

    3D Robotics. Customer Service Upgrades in Process!!

    Of late I've been reading quite a bit of negative press about customer service at 3D Robotcs. I even managed to experience some of the bad myself after purchasing an RTF X8 that had a couple of poor performing accessories. All that changed today. Big time!! I was having issues receiving...
  16. Old Man

    Favorable Media Story
  17. Old Man

    Lost Phantoms

    I was aware the lost Phantom condition existed but had no idea the situation was this bad. Check the result count but allow for some duplications. Then scroll through all the post locations. Oh my!
  18. Old Man

    Section 333 of the FAA 2012 Airspace Modernization and reform Act of 2012

    In reading through the FAA's actions of 2012, it appears that Section 333 of that act provides the means for incorporation of systems such as MR's and remotely piloted Helis that weigh less than 55lbs. An excerpt of Section 333 is provided below for review and discussion. The pertinent areas...
  19. Old Man

    Xoar 14-5, 14x6, or APC 14x4.7MR, Whos got 'em in stock?

    Okay, so one of my associates put the Cinestar in a tree the other day and "forgot" to tell me until more work is coming up. Checking the usual places I can't find a set of Xoar 14-6 to save my whatever. I'll take 4 or 8 sets of 14x5 and even consider 4 sets of the APC 14x4. multirotor...