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  1. B

    Tau Labs CC3D release!

    Tahoe Ed...I'm one of the core members over at OP. I think you should look at the Revo as a separate thing completely to the CC3D. The Revo kickstarter we are doing is an invite to people who want to participate in the development of the Revo. It really should not be for people that want to...
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    Tau Labs CC3D release!

    mailman35...what are you talking about exactly? that made almost no sense.
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    Tau Labs CC3D - New batch starting - Kickstarter-style

    Thanks Bartman. It will remain open most likely by Sunday night. If not, I'll order two for you and we can figure it out after.
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    Tau Labs CC3D - New batch starting - Kickstarter-style

    Hey guys, Thought I'd share this here as some people still wanted to get a CC3D. People asked for it :) So it's here: Sorry for cross-linking to another forum. I can remove if people want. Cheers, LL
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    Tau Labs CC3D release!

    yeah, maybe you got flagged :) hopefully it works out by just explaining it's an RC toy.
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    Tau Labs CC3D release!

    That is really random. I've ordered a TON of stuff from the AU store and it has never been caught in customs. That is so weird. Did they tell you what the solution is?
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    Tau Labs CC3D release!

    Hmm you should get an email with the tracking info when it ships. I've always gotten one when ordering from the Global Store (I imagine that's where you purchased from). You should also login and check the status of your order. My guess is that it still hasn't been processed. It's quite...
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    Tau Labs CC3D release!

    I'm a member of OP, hopefully still welcome here. Haven't attacked anyone and won't really do that (life is short). Bart, to answer your question. The boards are being shipped right now, a lot of them are in transit with Fedex and some have received their boards already. Unfortunately a...
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    Tau Labs CC3D release!

    I would like to still be able to announce any new item we have from OP here on the MRF. I'd hope we can all just move forward without any of this argument. It's tiring to do so on forums. I'm sure if we all met in person we'd realize that what we really care about is flying things that...
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    Tau Labs CC3D release!

    Yup, definitely an OSD in development but it's a bit early innings there. They've gone through a few iterations but I don't think it's going into production for a few months most likely.
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    Tau Labs CC3D release!

    Hey Kloner, wanted to pick up on your thought about running the CC3D in your Zeph. At the current state of the fixed wing support it works well to help stabilize the plane (i.e. flying in manual mode). Advanced features like RTH, Navigation, etc. are still a ways off and it's on the todo list...
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    Tau Labs CC3D release!

    Auto tune is indeed a very very cool feature and frankly one of the coolest things I've seen come out in a bit. It's more important to me than RTH or position hold for what I do (FPV flying). I haven't been able to get it to work well for me on my QAV since I think it doesn't currently play...
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    Tau Labs CC3D release!

    Sure thing man...that would be cool :)
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    Tau Labs CC3D release!

    BTW, we have a nascent effort over at OP regarding using the OP code/frameworks to do interesting work in gimbal control and other AP areas. I think some of the experts here could add a lot of value and we could create something pretty badass to make something like the Zenmuse more affordable...
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    Tau Labs CC3D release!

    I'm one of the members of the core OP team now so I know how it works internally to some extent (my username is LemaLife over at the OP forums, wish I could change it here). I came in as a proponent of a Kickstarter, pre-funding, technique for helping the project reach more people. However...
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    Tau Labs CC3D release!

    It's unfortunate this thread got all out of whack. I for one am VERY active on OP forums but I come here to the MR forums daily because I find the conversations here are very very intelligent (don't post much unfortunately because I don't fly the complicated rigs I see here, maybe one day I'll...
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    Are Very-good motors really better than pretty-good motors??

    I agree with the comments about not understanding the differences between all the motors that have seemingly exactly the same specs. This is a great thread and potentially great info...maybe make it a sticky if we gather really good info?
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    DroidWorx Y-6 V3 HL with DJI Wookong-M Custom Build By AddictiveRC

    sorry to bring up an olde thread but what are the arm lengths on this Y6? just trying to tweak mine a bit for high wind flying.
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    ADX3 Heart transplant complete

    that is a sexy dome. any idea where we can get one like that?
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    Taco and Lobster Copters...LOL

    you know what's better than that? UberTaco: