Search results

  1. F

    Australian CAA Permissions...

    You can fly under someone else's operators certificate if you can find someone that will let you, they will have to add you to their operations and I am sure there would be a bit of paperwork and cost involved. Maybe there is an opportunity here to share work globally by setting up a network, as...
  2. F

    Realtime position on a map

    If you open the GS on an ipad while you have wifi and set your map area it will hold it, otherwise you can it tether to a phone that has internet connection. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  3. F

    Phantom 2 Naza M How to fly a circle pointing at center

    I have the same issue with DJI for this problem, I bought a P2 G3-H3 setup for photogrammetry after seeing the capability advertised on the DJI site, I have since contacted them and they confirmed it doesn't work with the Naza M. Turns out you can only change the camera direction at the...
  4. F

    CASA (Australian) UAV controller / operator certificate

    I will be doing my UAV controllers certificate in a few weeks so will post more details after that on whats involved, I will ask about the self build options as well. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk