Search results

  1. jackwrangham

    Gens Ace 5S 10,000mah - Brand New for sale

    Hi Everyone We have 8 unused 5S 10,000mah Gens ace batteries for sale. £115 each ex vat. Let me know if you're interested in some or all! Cheers
  2. jackwrangham

    Wookong M IMU

    How about £175 and you have a deal?
  3. jackwrangham

    Wookong M IMU

    Hi Maverick - make me an offer :) if we agree and you can pay by paypal tonight - i'll get it shipped tomorrow
  4. jackwrangham

    Wookong M IMU

    Hi Got a barely used IMU available if anyone is interested?
  5. jackwrangham

    Multirotor noise level

    Anyone have any noise-level (decibel) readings to hand for a hexa multirotor, similar to skyjib 6? Cheers
  6. jackwrangham

    Wookong IMU and/or GPS *refurb*

    On ebay now, Please see here: